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Bilingual advantages in executive functioning: Evidence from a low-income sample
In: FIRST LANGUAGE, vol 41, iss 6 (2021)
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Heart of the Stone: A Critical Translation and Trilingual Edition of Rosa Chávez’s Ri uk’u’x ri ab’aj / El corazón de la piedra
Ramirez-Chavez, Lisbet Gabriela. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2021
Abstract: Maya K’iche’-Kaqchikel poet Rosa Chávez (San Andrés Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, 1980) was a leading voice in the new wave of Latin American Indigenous writing that emerged after the 1960s. In a literary landscape in which few Maya women have published a full-length collection, she has authored five poetry books and a verse play, and her work has been widely anthologized and translated into six languages. Heart of the Stone comprises a translation of her third collection Ri uk’u’x ri ab’aj / El corazón de la piedra (2010), her only book in an entirely dual-language format. The book was originally published in Spanish with allograph translations into her paternal language K’iche’, the most widely spoken Maya language in Guatemala with a documented 1.6 million speakers. This dissertation marks Chávez’s first complete volume to appear in English and presents the 64 poems in a trilingual English-Spanish-K’iche’ edition with an accompanying four-part “Translator’s Introduction.”Part 1 “The Politics of Contemporary Maya Textualities” situates Rosa Chávez’s work in the context of Maya textual production in Guatemala that begins in the latter half of the twentieth century in direct response to ladino (non-Maya) representations of indigeneity and the state’s systematic targeting of Maya communities. Part 2 “Rosa Chávez’s Life and Writing” delves into the poet’s biography and the questions about identity that motivated her writing and the bilingual presentation of the book. Part 3 “Ways to Read Ri uk’u’x ri ab’aj / El corazón de la piedra” analyzes Chavez’s poetic techniques, which demonstrate a deep engagement with Maya formal structures, cosmovision, and fluid notions of textuality. Part 4 “On the English Translation” turns to the highly collaborative process between the translator and author, and the ethical considerations involved in bringing Mesoamerican Indigenous literatures to Anglophone audiences. This dissertation models a fluid-text translation appropriate to the dynamic, revisionist quality of Chávez’s poetic practice, in which she frequently updates and adapts poems to speak to the current political moment and demands of her community.
Keyword: Bilingualism; Central American Literature; Guatemala; Indigenous Literature; Latin American literature; Mesoamerican; Translation studies; Women's studies
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A unified approach to the study of language contact: Cross-language priming and change in adjective/noun order
In: ISSN: 1367-0069 ; International Journal of Bilingualism ; ; International Journal of Bilingualism, SAGE Publications, 2021, pp.136700692110339. ⟨10.1177/13670069211033909⟩ (2021)
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Gender assignment in mixed noun phrases: State of the art
In: The Acquisition of Gender ; ; The Acquisition of Gender, John Benjamins, In press (2021)
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Bilingual Children’s Use of the ‘Maximize Presupposition’ Principle
In: Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2016-2021) ; ; Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2016-2021), Ubiquity Press, 2021, 6, ⟨10.5334/gjgl.1236⟩ (2021)
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Reading and Copying Latin Texts in a Greek-speaking Area ; Reading and Copying Latin Texts in a Greek-speaking Area: The Ways of Diffusion of Latin Literary Culture in Constantinople
In: ISSN: 0221-5896 ; KTÈMA Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques ; ; KTÈMA Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques, Université de Strasbourg, 2021, La communication dans l'Empire romain tardif (IIIe-VIIe siècle). Problèmes linguistiques et interprétatifs, 46, pp.83-110 (2021)
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Динамика рассказов детей-билингвов: проблемы и практика ... : Dynamics of Stories of Bilingual Children: Problems and Practice ...
Протасова Екатерина Юрьевна. - : Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика, 2021
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The Cognitive and Linguistic Abilities of Bilinguals with Genetic Disorders: The Prader-Willi Syndrome Population ...
Garcia Alcaraz, Estela. - : Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021
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Practitioners' perspectives and experiences of supporting bilingual pupils on the autism spectrum in two linguistically different educational settings ...
Howard, Katie; Katsos, Napoleon; Gibson, Jenny. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2021
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The Role of Language in Structuring Social Networks Following Market Integration in a Yucatec Maya Population. ...
Padilla-Iglesias, Cecilia; Kramer, Karen L. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2021
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SM: Bilingual language development in infancy: What can we do to support bilingual families? ...
Fibla, Laia. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Language affinity of heritage speakers in Western Canada: The link between language and emotions ...
Puccinelli, Nicole. - : Arts, 2021
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Embodiment, Bilingualism, & Theory of Mind ...
Samuel, Steven. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Bilingualism & Theory of Mind ...
Samuel, Steven. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Number processing in bilinguals: does a discrepancy in number systems between a bilingual’s first and second language influence number processing. ...
Shiron, Veniamin. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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The relation between linguistic factors and simple multiplication problem-solving ...
Soh, Mei Ling. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Στρατηγικές εκμάθησης των Μουσουλμανόπαιδων της Θράκης που μαθαίνουν την αγγλική ως ξένη γλώσσα ... : Learning strategies of the muslim students of Thrace who learn english as a foreign language ...
Papanis, Alexandros. - : Democritus University of Thrace, 2021
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Συσχέτιση των στάσεων των εκπαιδευτικών των διαπολιτισμικών γυμνασίων προς τους αλλόγλωσσους μαθητές τους και των πρακτικών που εφαρμόζουν κατά τη διδασκαλία της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας ...
Vontsa, Vasiliki. - : Democritus University of Thrace, 2021
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Η διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης/ξένης γλώσσας σε Τάξεις Υποδοχής με πολυτροπικά μέσα. Μια διδακτική παρέμβαση ...
Τσίγκιαουρ, Μαρία Παύλου. - : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2021
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Σύγκριση της επίδρασης του ψηφιακού και έντυπου παραμυθιού στην αυτοαντίληψη των παιδιών πρώτης σχολικής ηλικίας ...
Νάση, Βαρβάρα. - : University of Ioannina, 2021
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