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Estrategias online de mediación parental en contextos familiares de España
In: Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, ISSN 1134-3478, Nº 65, 2020, pags. 67-76 (2020)
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Comprendre l'activité langagière des agents scolaires dans leurs interactions avec des parents de collégiens : portraits contrastés de CPE
In: AREF 2019 ; ; AREF 2019, AREF, Jul 2019, Bordeaux, France (2019)
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Black Parents' Racial Socialization Practices and their Children's Educational Outcomes
White, Rashidah. - 2019
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Réflexions sur l’expression, l’analyse et la prise en compte d’une ‘’demande sociale’’ dans un contexte d’idéologies linguistique et éducative hégémoniques
In: Paroles d'enfants, d'adolescents et d'adultes sur l'espace scolaire dans l'océan Indien. Enjeux, enquêtes, actions : actes du colloque des 10 et 11 octobre 2017 (Saint-Denis de La Réunion) / sous la direction de Mylène Lebon-Eyquem ; ; Paroles d'enfants, d'adolescents et d'adultes sur l'espace scolaire dans l'océan Indien. Enjeux, enquêtes, actions : actes du colloque des 10 et 11 octobre 2017 (Saint-Denis de La Réunion) / sous la direction de Mylène Lebon-Eyquem, Presses universitaires indianocéaniques, pp.45-58, 2019, 978-2-490596-03-4 (2019)
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Multilingual assessment of early child development: Analyses from repeated observations of children in Kenya.
In: Developmental Science, vol 22, iss 5 (2019)
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Mobile Screen Technologies and Parents of Young Children: Investigating Diverse Parents’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and their Interactions with Children
Ochoa, Wendy. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2019
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Facteurs déterminants pour la capacité à utiliser la langue partenaire à des fins communicatives dans une école immersive réciproque ...
Buser, Melanie; Melfi, Giuseppe. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019
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Making Up and Caring for 'Autism's Child' in Ethiopia ...
Yilma, Lydia. - : Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2019
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Οι απόψεις Ελλήνων και Ελληνίδων γονέων για τη διαγλωσσικότητα: Η περίπτωση της νέας γενιάς μεταναστών στο Όσλο Νορβηγίας ...
Αλεξιάδου, Αννα Δημητρίου. - : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2019
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Beziehungen in pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern und ihren Transitionen über die Lebensalter
Fasching, Helga Hrsg.; Ableidinger, Lena Mitarb.. - : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2019. : Bad Heilbrunn, 2019. : pedocs-Dokumentenserver/DIPF, 2019
In: Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2019, 333 S. (2019)
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Co-constructing the Past: Examining Mother- and Father-Child Narratives About Past Events Involving Pain versus Sadness ...
Pavlova, Maria. - : Arts, 2019
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Black Parents' Racial Socialization Practices and their Children's Educational Outcomes ...
White, Rashidah. - : Columbia University, 2019
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“…4542 Miles from Home…”: Repositioning English Language Learners as Power Brokers and Teachers as Learners in the Study Abroad Context
In: Education Sciences ; Volume 9 ; Issue 2 (2019)
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Facteurs déterminants pour la capacité à utiliser la langue partenaire à des fins communicatives dans une école immersive réciproque
Buser, Melanie; Melfi, Giuseppe. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019
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Effective Literary Resources to Support Adolescent Parents Ensuring Kindergarten Readiness for Their Children
Castellano, Andrew. - : State University of New York at Fredonia, 2019
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“…4542 Miles from Home…”: Repositioning English Language Learners as Power Brokers and Teachers as Learners in the Study Abroad Context
In: Teaching and Learning Faculty Publications (2019)
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Book-Sharing as a Context for Fathers and Mothers to Enhance Language Development of their Preschool Children
Seven, Yagmur. - : Digital Commons @ University of South Florida, 2019
In: Graduate Theses and Dissertations (2019)
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E-picture books : the perspectives of New Zealand parents and early childhood teachers on young children’s use of e-picture books as an emergent literacy tool
Helmling, Lisa. - 2019
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E-picture books : the perspectives of New Zealand parents and early childhood teachers on young children’s use of e-picture books as an emergent literacy tool
Helmling, Lisa. - 2019
Abstract: RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What are critical issues related to young children’s literacy skills development when they read e-picture books? 2. What are parents’ perspectives of the value of e-picture books for young children’s literacy skills development? 3. What are early childhood teachers’ perspectives of the value of e-picture books for young children’s literacy skills development? ABSTRACT: Picture books are one of the foundation tools for parents and early childhood teachers in supporting young children to develop their emergent literacy skills. There has been an increase in digital screen technology use in our society, and an increase in the production and publication of digital picture books aimed at young children. Therefore, this qualitative research investigates the perspectives of parents and early childhood teachers, in New Zealand, on the use of e-picture books by young children as an emergent literacy tool. An online survey informed the development of interview questions for five parent and five early childhood teacher participants. Findings demonstrated that parents and teachers guard children’s access to screen technology and thus their use of e-picture books. Parents were more likely than teachers to have explored these resources and to provide their children with access. Both parents and teachers raised a range of issues with children using screen devices, which focused on children’s brain and language development. The research found a clear correlation between the participants’ experience with and reliance on screens in their careers as an indicator of their willingness to engage with this resource with children. Parents had a positive perspective on the use of e-picture books but teachers had divided views about their use in early childhood settings. Recommendations include early childhood teachers developing their confidence in using screen technology alongside children, and further research on children’s use of screens.
Keyword: 130102 Early Childhood Education (excl. Māori); 130204 English and Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. LOTE; 130306 Educational Technology and Computing; attitudes; children; digital literacy; e-picture books; early childhood teachers; early literacy; ESL and TESOL); literacy; New Zealand; parents; picture books for children
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E-picture books : the perspectives of New Zealand parents and early childhood teachers on young children’s use of e-picture books as an emergent literacy tool
Helmling, Lisa. - 2019
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