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Gaging The Transformative Potential of Second Language Education: Language Educators' Understanding of Interculturality and Criticality
Ogilvie, Gregory S. - : University of Alberta. Department of Secondary Education., 2016
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Gaging The Transformative Potential of Second Language Education: Language Educators' Understanding of Interculturality and Criticality
Ogilvie, Gregory S. - : University of Alberta. Department of Secondary Education., 2016
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Spanish Dialectal Variation in the Foreign Language Classroom: Students' Attitudes, Instructors' Beliefs and Teaching Practices, and Treatment of Variation in Textbooks
Monerris Oliveras, Laura. - : University of Alberta. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies., 2015
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Spanish Dialectal Variation in the Foreign Language Classroom: Students' Attitudes, Instructors' Beliefs and Teaching Practices, and Treatment of Variation in Textbooks
Monerris Oliveras, Laura. - : University of Alberta. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies., 2015
Abstract: Degree: Doctor of Philosophy ; Abstract: Communicative competence is a key concept in the field of foreign/second language (FL/L2) teaching and learning. In fact, the development of the learner’s communicative competence is one of the essential goals of FL/L2 teaching. In Bachman’s model (1990) of Communicative Language Ability, sociolinguistic competence is one of the elements of language competence, which includes the sensitivity to differences in dialects and varieties, among other abilities. Thus, the treatment of regional varieties in L2/FL classes is needed for learners to be able to reach a high level of communicative competence. Most of the studies about the treatment of Spanish dialectal or local varieties and the attitudes towards them have been conducted in the U.S., where there is a large number of Spanish native speakers (e.g. Achugar & Pessoa, 2009). Therefore, conducting this type of research in a different context is needed. While in the U.S. there is still “the implementation of educational policies and language ideologies that promote monolingualism” (Achugar & Pessoa, 2009, p. 200), which seems to endorse conflicting and negative attitudes towards the Spanish language, in Canada multilingualism and multiculturalism are promoted instead. Moreover, Spanish-English bilingual communities are not widespread in Canada, making contact with real speakers and regional varieties a challenge for Spanish FL students. Due to the scarce research in contexts other than the U.S., this dissertation investigates the issue of dialectal variation in Canadian university Spanish FL classes from different perspectives. The dissertation consists of three independent studies that look at students’ attitudes towards Spanish varieties, instructors' beliefs and their reported teaching practices in regard to dialects, and how the pedagogical materials used in Spanish FL classes address dialectal variation. The findings suggest that attitudes towards regional varieties tend to positively increase when learners have travelled abroad. Instructors do recognize the lack of exposure to dialects in FL classes, but their lack of explicit sociolinguistic knowledge may hinder their ability to deal with the topic adequately in class. Pedagogical materials do provide some information about dialectal characteristics, but such information is limited and at times overly general, and is rarely part of the core content, resulting in a lack of exposure to dialectal features. ; Specialization: Spanish and Latin American Studies
Keyword: Attitudes; Beliefs; Dialectal Variation; Foreign Language Classroom; Instructor; Instructor cognition; Spanish; Spanish varieties; Student; Teaching Practices; Textbook
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Vocabulary learning through reading: The effects of multimedia glosses for contextualized vocabulary use and acquisition
Serrand, Catherine M. D.. - : University of Alberta. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies., 2013
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Vocabulary learning through reading: The effects of multimedia glosses for contextualized vocabulary use and acquisition
Serrand, Catherine M. D.. - : University of Alberta. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies., 2013
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Towards a sociolinguistically informed pedagogy: French for L2 nursing students in Alberta
Beaulieu, Suzie. - : University of Alberta. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies., 2012
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Towards a sociolinguistically informed pedagogy: French for L2 nursing students in Alberta
Beaulieu, Suzie. - : University of Alberta. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies., 2012
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First language maintenance and attrition among young Chinese adult immigrants: a multi-case study
Xie, Mianmian. - : University of Alberta. Department of Elementary Education., 2010
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First language maintenance and attrition among young Chinese adult immigrants: a multi-case study
Xie, Mianmian. - : University of Alberta. Department of Elementary Education., 2010
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Focus on form from the inside : the significance of grammatical sensitivity for L2 learning in communicative ESL classrooms
Ranta, Leila. - 1998
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Focus on form from the inside : the significance of grammatical sensitivity for L2 learning in communicative ESL classrooms
Ranta, Leila. - 1998
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Input Enhancement and L2 Question Formation
WHITE, LYDIA; SPADA, NINA; LIGHTBOWN, PATSY M.. - : Oxford University Press, 1991
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