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Plain Language or Anything But?
In: Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (2022)
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Exploring EFL teachers' English language proficiency: Lessons from Indonesia ...
Wulyani, AN; Elgort, Irina; Coxhead, Averil. - : Open Access Victoria University of Wellington | Te Herenga Waka, 2021
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The vocabulary of aviation radiotelephony communication in simulator emergencies and the contradictions in air traffic controller beliefs about language use
Drayton, Jennifer. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2021
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Evaluating lists of high-frequency words: Teachers’ and learners’ perspectives ...
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen; Webb, Stuart; Coxhead, Averil. - : SAGE Journals, 2020
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Evaluating lists of high-frequency words: Teachers’ and learners’ perspectives ...
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen; Webb, Stuart; Coxhead, Averil. - : SAGE Journals, 2020
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Supplementary_data_3rd_submission – Supplemental material for Evaluating lists of high-frequency words: Teachers’ and learners’ perspectives ...
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen; Webb, Stuart; Coxhead, Averil. - : SAGE Journals, 2020
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Supplementary_data_3rd_submission – Supplemental material for Evaluating lists of high-frequency words: Teachers’ and learners’ perspectives ...
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen; Webb, Stuart; Coxhead, Averil. - : SAGE Journals, 2020
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Argument-based validation of a high-stakes Listening test in Vietnam
Tran, Diep. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2020
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Developing fluency with multi-word expressions
Thomson, Haidee. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2020
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Dot the pill down: Investigating the linguistic needs of foreign rugby players and lexicon of spoken rugby discourse
Benson, Stuart. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2020
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Using character-grams to automatically generate pseudowords and how to evaluate them
König, Jemma Lynette; Calude, Andreea S.; Coxhead, Averil. - : Oxford University Press, 2019
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The effects of different learning conditions on the development of collocational knowledge in a second language
Toomer, Mark. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2019
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Promoting discovery learning of formulaic language with the aid of online resources: A classroom-based study with intermediate EFL learners
Bui, Thi Bich Thuy. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2019
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Investigating knowledge and use of technical vocabulary in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cailing, Lu. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2018
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Professional development of English language teachers in Malang, Indonesia: Institutional and individual perspectives
Wulyani, Anik Nunuk. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2017
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An experimental design perspective on the affordances of concordances: Exploring the affordances of concordances from a language learning perspective
Ballance, Oliver. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2017
Abstract: Language learner use of concordances attracts considerable research interest. Concordances are now being conceptualized as presenting language learners with multiple affordances (Leńko-Szymańska & Boulton, 2015), affordances being the latent value of an object determined by the use made of it and not necessarily by its design. However, empirical research has typically operationalized concordances in simple, monolithic terms, and thus, from an experimental design perspective, they are implicitly seen as providing a single set of language learning affordances. That is, the majority of research conducted on concordancing treatments is discussed in terms of concordancing in fairly simple undifferentiated terms (see overviews of research in Boulton, 2010a; Cobb & Boulton, 2015; C. Yoon, 2011). Thus, previous research has contributed to an understanding of whether concordances can facilitate language learning, but it has rarely addressed the issue of how the operationalisation of concordances in pedagogical contexts interacts with the language learning affordances provided. Insufficient engagement with this issue is important because, alongside studies that have shown strong facilitative effects, there are many studies of learner use of concordances that show little to no facilitative effect of the concordancing condition. To address this issue, this thesis addresses the construct of learner use of concordances from an experiment design perspective, helping to define the construct of concordancing and examining potential variables in learner use of concordances. The thesis reports a series of studies that examine the construct of concordancing from both the perspective of concordance users’ concordancing preferences and the perspective of the lexical qualities of concordances as texts. First, a quasi-experimental, quantitative survey of concordance users’ concordancing preferences showed the construct of concordancing to comprise four distinguishable operational parameters: citation format, type of corpus concordanced, citation order and reading style. It then found correlations between these parameters and three of four user groupings: grouping by frequency of concordance use, by linguistic relationship to concordance language, and by field of concordance use. It revealed that different types of concordance user can be characterized by preferences for different types of concordance use, and vice versa. In two further studies, quantitative analysis of concordances showed that manipulation of factors in concordance generation resulted in concordances with significant differences in measures of word frequency and type token ratio. These analyses showed the extent to which the affordances of concordances vary in relation to two key factors in concordance generation: which corpus is concordanced and level of corpus generality. The findings of these four studies are discussed in relation to the definition of concordancing presented in Chapter 2 of the thesis and the affordances of concordances that have been discussed in the literature. Together the findings indicate that effective learner use of concordances is likely to be dependent on matching the operationalization of concordancing in pedagogical contexts to learner profiles. For this reason, research on learner use of concordances needs to adopt experimental designs that can account for variation in concordancing as a treatment condition. The findings are also discussed in relation to their practical implications for effectively operationalising concordancing in pedagogical practice and the development of pedagogical concordancers and concordance-based language learning materials.
Keyword: Affordances; Computer-assisted language learning; Concordances; Research methods; Teaching and language corpora
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Investigating vocabulary in academic spoken English: Corpora, teachers, and learners
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2017
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Peer Interaction Opportunities for Non-Native-Speaker-of-English International Students in Postgraduate Courses of a NZ University
Mukai, Shota. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2017
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Assessing English as an International Language for Government Officials
Meyer, Douglas. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2017
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Validating the English Language Exam for university entry in Shanghai, China
Book, Kin Chung Matthew. - : Victoria University of Wellington, 2016
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