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Teaching and learning verb-particle constructions in EFL: a comparasion between memorization and the cognitive-linguistic approach
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Explaining taboo topics. Metaphorical construals of sexuality in children literature. A case study
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Towards a model of creative understanding: deconstructing and recreating conceptual blends using image schemas and qualitative spatial descriptors
Falomir, Zoe; Plaza, Enric. - : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2020
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The Effect of Data-driven Learning & Image-schema-based Polysemy Networks Instruction on Learning Spatial Prepositions of Verticality: The Case of Moroccan EFL Learners
In: JURNAL ARBITRER; Vol 7, No 1 (2020); 62-70 ; 2550-1011 ; 2339-1162 (2020)
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Embodiment and Image Schemas: Interpreting the Figurative Meanings of English Phrasal Verbs
In: Languages ; Volume 5 ; Issue 1 (2020)
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Semi-automatic extraction of image schemas from natural language
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Vowel reduction in Standard Southern British
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Exploring the prosodic and syntactic aspects of Mandarin-English Code switching
Liu, Ruowei. - 2020
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Meaning construction in the Brexit process
In: LFE. Revista de lenguas para fines específicos [eISSN 2340-8561], v. 26 (2), p. 39-57 (2020)
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Meaning construction in the Brexit process
In: LFE: Revista de lenguas para fines específicos, ISSN 1133-1127, Vol. 26, Nº 2, 2020, pags. 39-57 (2020)
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A study of capacitive structures such as "The cottage sleeps four" in contemporary English ; Étude des énoncés capacitifs du type "The cottage sleeps four" en anglais contemporain
Marty, Caroline. - : HAL CCSD, 2019
In: ; Linguistique. Sorbonne Université, 2019. Français (2019)
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Les locutions espagnoles : observation de quelques schémas productifs
In: Dialogues ibériques / Diálogos ibéricos ; ; Dialogues ibériques / Diálogos ibéricos, Universidade do Algarve, pp.151-172, 2019 (2019)
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Language Models applied to French Winograd Schemas ; Modèles de langue appliqués aux schémas Winograd français
In: Actes de la Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) - PFIA 2019 - Volume II : Articles courts ; Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) - PFIA 2019 ; ; Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) - PFIA 2019, Jul 2019, Toulouse, France. pp.343-350 (2019)
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Jean-Marie Zemb : des figures de sa Pensée et des formes de sa Grammaire
In: Diskursgrammatik - Grammaire du discours. Hommage à Jean-Marie Zemb ; ; Diskursgrammatik - Grammaire du discours. Hommage à Jean-Marie Zemb, Peter Lang, pp.161-174, 2019, Kontraste/Contrastes, 978-3631775875 ; (2019)
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The Greek prefix ξε- ‘kse-‘: its conceptual and grammatical motivations ...
Τσαρούχα, Αικατερίνη Ιωάννη. - : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2019
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Psycholinguistic Markers of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Teachers with High Prevalence of Workaholism ...
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Psycholinguistic Markers of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Teachers with High Prevalence of Workaholism ...
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Do texto à reflexão metalinguística: o esquema como elemento estruturante
Abstract: O desenvolvimento de capacidades linguísticas ao nível da compreensão da leitura reveste-se de uma importância fundamental se pensarmos na necessidade de formarmos cidadãos competentes no que diz respeito à literacia. No entanto, muitos estudantes dos vários níveis educativos, incluindo o superior,revelam fragilidades na transposição de ideias fundamentais de um texto para o formato de esquema, não assegurando, por exemplo, um adequado inter-relacionamento dos tópicos selecionados (ESTRELA & FERREIRA, 2017). Este formato permite não só dar conta da compreensão do material lido como também estruturar e sistematizar as aprendizagens feitas, desenvolver o espírito crítico e a memorização (VALADARES, 2014). Paralelamente,o recurso aos esquemas possibilita uma reflexão linguística e metalinguística. Neste trabalho de investigaçãoação, analisamos as produções de alunos de três turmas do 1.º ano de licenciatura em Artes Visuais e Tecnologias, que consistiam num exercício de construção de um esquema em que sintetizassem e inter-relacionassem as ideias apresentadas num texto do seu domínio de conhecimento. Na análise, foram considerados aspetos como i) o formato específico de organização da informação; ii) o equilíbrio entre elementos verbais e não verbais; iii) a coesão, a coerência e a adequação; iv) a hierarquização e o inter-relacionamento da informação; v) a uniformização dos tópicos; vi) a correção linguística, entre outros aspetos. Os principais resultados apontam para a existência de problemas nos vários itens mencionados, sobressaindoquestões de correção gramatical, que serviram de ponto de partida para um trabalho sobre as diversas áreas em que se evidenciaram mais desvios, como a ortografia, a concordância, a regência verbal, a pontuação, entre outras. ; Abstract: The development of reading comprehension skills is of fundamental importance if we think about the need to prepare competent citizens regarding literacy. However, many students from various educational levels, including the higher education, reveal problems in the transposition of fundamental ideas from a text to a schematic format, not ensuring, for example, an adequate interrelationship of the selected topics (ESTRELA & FERREIRA, 2017). This format allows the students to show how appropriately the read material was understood, but also to structure and systematize the lessons learned, developing critical thinking and memorization (VALADARES, 2014). At the same time, the use of schemas enables a linguistic and metalinguistic reflection. In this research - action work, we analysed the productions of 1st year higher education in Visual Arts and Technologies students from three classes, which consisted of a schema-building exercise in which they synthesized and interrelated the ideas presented in a text provided in their domain of knowledge. In the analysis, the following aspects were considered: i) the specific format of information organization; ii) the balance between verbal and nonverbal elements; iii) cohesion, coherence and adequacy; iv) the hierarchy and interrelation of information; v) uniformity of topics; vi) linguistic correction, among other aspects. The main results point to the existence of problems in the various items mentioned, highlighting questions of grammatical correction, which served as a starting point for an intervention in the areas in which there were more deviations, such as spelling, agreement, verbal conducting, punctuation, amongst others. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Keyword: Esquemas; Graphic organizers; Leitura; Metalinguistic reflection; Organizadores gráficos; Reading; Reflexão metalinguística; Schemas
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“Stand Still in The Light”: What Conceptual Metaphor Research Can Tell Us about Quaker Theology
In: Religions ; Volume 10 ; Issue 1 (2019)
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The Conceptualization of English Phrasal Verbs by Greek Primary School Learners: An Empirical Cognitive Approach
In: Languages ; Volume 4 ; Issue 3 (2019)
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