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Effective Teaching Practices and Competences of Students with Special Educational Needs in Basic Education Classrooms in Rwanda ...
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Effective Teaching Practices and Competences of Students with Special Educational Needs in Basic Education Classrooms in Rwanda ...
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Teachers’ Global Perceptions and Views, Practices and Needs in Multicultural Settings
In: Education Sciences; Volume 12; Issue 4; Pages: 280 (2022)
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English is Not Dead! Long Live English: Teaching the Evolution of English and Inclusive Communication Via Online, Face to Face or Hybrid Instruction
In: Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy (2022)
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Doing Open Science in a Research-Based Seminar: Students’ Positioning Towards Openness in Higher Education
In: ; 2021 (2021)
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Salient practices of award-winning undergraduate research mentors–balancing freedom and control to achieve excellence
Walkington, H; Stewart, KA; Hall, EE. - : Informa UK Limited, 2021
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A Phenomenological Study of High School Academic Subject Teachers’ Experiences Differentiating for English Language Learners
In: Doctoral Dissertations and Projects (2021)
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A Phenomenological Study of Teachers Implementing Restorative Practices
In: Doctoral Dissertations and Projects (2021)
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An Insight into Teachers’ Classroom Practices: The Case of Secondary Education Science Teachers
In: Education Sciences ; Volume 11 ; Issue 10 (2021)
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Opening up Educational Practices through Faculty, Librarian, and Student Collaboration in OER Creation: Moving from Labor-intensive to Supervisory Involvement
McGeary, Bryan; Guder, Christopher; Ganeshan, Ashwini. - : The Partnership: The Provincial and Territorial Library Associations of Canada, 2021. : Érudit, 2021
Abstract: This article presents a case study for transitioning library-led open-educational resources (OER) initiatives away from labor-intensive activities to a model where library personnel focus on project management responsibilities. This shift from labour-intensive activities, such as workshops and training sessions, led to more collaborative partnerships with faculty and students to produce OER projects. In particular, we focus on labour implications for the various stakeholders involved and the sustainability of these initiatives. We describe several initiatives undertaken by the Ohio University Libraries to encourage open educational resource adoptions and projects, including a grant-funded initiative to provide support services for faculty creating OER. That funding, which was awarded to enhance undergraduate education, has been used to support the development of five OER projects that have directly involved students in the creation of those materials. We provide an overview of the various ways in which students have become involved in OER creation in partnership with faculty and librarians and discuss the impact these partnerships have had on student-faculty-librarian relationships and student engagement. Among these projects are an Hispanic linguistics open textbook created using only student-authored texts, student-generated test banks to accompany existing OER materials for a large-enrollment art history course, and several other projects in which hired student assistants are helping faculty to develop content for open textbooks. This article helps to address a gap in the literature by providing transparency regarding the personnel, costs, and workflow for Ohio University Libraries’ OER initiatives and addressing potential areas of concern surrounding student labour. ; Cet article présente une étude de cas sur la transition d’initiatives de ressources éducatives libres (REL) menées par les bibliothèques, qui passent d’activités à forte intensité de main d’œuvre vers un modèle où le personnel de bibliothèque se concentre sur les responsabilités de gestion de projet. Ce passage d’activités à forte intensité de main d’œuvre, telles que des ateliers et des sessions de formation, à plus de partenariats collaboratifs avec le corps professoral et les étudiants pour produire des projets de REL. En particulier, nous nous concentrons sur les implications en matière de travail pour les différentes parties prenantes impliquées et sur la durabilité de ces initiatives. Nous décrivons plusieurs initiatives menées à la Ohio University Libraries pour encourager l’adoption et la réalisation de ressources éducatives libres, y compris une initiative subventionnée pour fournir du soutien aux professeurs qui créent des REL. Cet article donne un aperçu des différentes façons dont les étudiants se sont impliqués dans la création des REL en partenariat avec les professeurs et les bibliothécaires. Il présente également l’impact de ces partenariats sur les relations entre étudiants, professeurs et bibliothécaires et sur l’engagement étudiant. Parmi ces projets figurent un manuel de linguistique hispanique créé en utilisant uniquement des textes rédigés par les étudiants, une banque de tests générée par les étudiants pour accompagner des REL existants pour un cours d’histoire de l’art avec un haut taux d’inscription, et plusieurs autres projets où des assistants étudiants ont été embauchés pour aider les professeurs à développer du contenu pour des manuels ouverts. Cet article contribue à combler une lacune dans la littérature en fournissant une transparence concernant le personnel, les coûts et le flux de travail pour les initiatives de REL de la Ohio University Libraries et en abordant des domaines de préoccupation potentiels concernant le travail étudiant.
Keyword: open educational practices; open pedagogy; Partenariats; partnerships; Pédagogie ouverte; Pratiques éducatives ouvertes; Rôle des bibliothèques; role of libraries
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Zu Diskursen über Mehrsprachigkeit mit einem Fokus auf den (möglichen) Umgang mit sprachlicher Diversität im Raum Schule unter Einbezug eines Fallbeispiels aus Berlin-Neukölln
Labrenz, Annika. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2021
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Integrating Video Evidence in Mixed Methods Research: Innovations, Benefits, and Challenges for Research Exploring How Beliefs Shape Actions
In: Curriculum, Foundations, & Reading Faculty Publications (2021)
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Zu Diskursen über Mehrsprachigkeit mit einem Fokus auf den (möglichen) Umgang mit sprachlicher Diversität im Raum Schule unter Einbezug eines Fallbeispiels aus Berlin-Neukölln ...
Labrenz, Annika. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2021
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Leading schooling in Aotearoa New Zealand: Understanding and supporting the weight of culture for Māori teachers
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The Use of A Computer-Supported Learning Design to Support Oral Language Development among English Language Learners through the Design Process
Gumpert, Adrian Julian. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2020
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SpraBi: Fragebogen und App zur Dokumentation sprachlicher Bildungsaktivitäten in der Kita ...
Wirts, Claudia; Reber, Karin; Gonzalez-Campos, Diego. - : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2020
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Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes and Assumptions of Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices
In: (2020)
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Vol. 2, n. 1 (2020): Educazione alla cittadinanza ...
Mortari, Luigina; Mannese, Emiliana; Recalcati, Massimo. - : Universita' degli Studi di Salerno, 2020
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SpraBi: Fragebogen und App zur Dokumentation sprachlicher Bildungsaktivitäten in der Kita
In: Mackowiak, Katja [Hrsg.]; Beckerle, Christine [Hrsg.]; Gentrup, Sarah [Hrsg.]; Titz, Cora [Hrsg.]: Forschungsinstrumente im Kontext institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2020, S. 55-78 (2020)
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Einleitung: Instrumente zur Erfassung institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung
In: Mackowiak, Katja [Hrsg.]; Beckerle, Christine [Hrsg.]; Gentrup, Sarah [Hrsg.]; Titz, Cora [Hrsg.]: Forschungsinstrumente im Kontext institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2020, S. 7-12 (2020)
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