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Professional Testimony: Construction and Analysis of a “Graphic Object” in a Physics Class in a 12th Grade Science Major
In: Objects to Learn About and Objects for Learning 1 ; ; Joël Bisault, Roselyne Le Bourgeois, Jean-François Thémines, Mickaël Le Mentec, Céline Chauvet-Chanoine. Objects to Learn About and Objects for Learning 1, Wiley, 2022, Online ISBN: 9781119902171 Print ISBN: 9781786306715. ⟨10.1002/9781119902171.ch5⟩ (2022)
Abstract: International audience ; Implementing old physics syllabuses in a 12th grade science major in 2012 introduced elements of knowledge derived from the theory of special relativity. This chapter focuses on part of the second pilot sequence preparatory to engineering. A “graphic object” was built by the pupils step by step in order to more easily appropriate the notions of special relativity. The chapter analyzes transcripts of the pupils' work, revealing current teaching practice. Macro-didactic and micro-didactic hypotheses were established during the design of the sequence within the framework of didactic engineering. The teaching sequence was for the most part transcribed and the content analyzed by breaking down the corpus into elements of meaning by sentence unit. An analysis grid was designed to perform the a posteriori analysis of discussion between the teacher and the pupils. It took into account the achievements, the blockages and the various inputs of the teacher and also the registers implemented during the discussion.
Keyword: 12th grade science; [PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-ED-PH]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Physics Education [physics.ed-ph]; [PHYS]Physics [physics]; didactic engineering; graphic object; old physics syllabuses; posteriori analysis; pupils' work; second pilot sequence preparatory; teaching practice; teaching sequence
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