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Prosodic Disambiguation Using Chironomic Stylization of Intonation with Native and Non-Native Speakers
In: Proceedings Interspeech 2021 ; Interspeech 2021 ; ; Interspeech 2021, Aug 2021, Brno (virtual), Czech Republic. pp.516-520, ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2021-182⟩ (2021)
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Voks: Digital instruments for chironomic control of voice samples
In: ISSN: 0167-6393 ; EISSN: 1872-7182 ; Speech Communication ; ; Speech Communication, Elsevier : North-Holland, 2020, 125, pp.97 - 113. ⟨10.1016/j.specom.2020.10.002⟩ (2020)
Abstract: International audience ; This paper presents Voks, a new family of digital instruments that allow for real-time control and modification of pre-recorded voice signal samples. An instrument based on Voks is made of Voks itself, the synthesis software and a given set of chironomic (hand-driven) interfaces. Rhythm can be accurately controlled thanks to a new methodology, based on syllabic control points. Timing can also be controlled with other methods, including scrubbing and playback speed variation. Pitch, vocal effort, voice tension, apparent vocal tract size, voicing ratio, aperiodicity ratio of the voice samples can be modified thanks to a real-time high-quality vocoder. Different forms of chironomic control of the vocal parameters are proposed. Pitch is controlled by continuous hand motions using a stylus on a surface (C-Voks) or a theremin (T-Voks). Other interfaces can be used as well. Syllabic rhythm is controlled using a biphasic button. Scrubbing, playback speed and timbre related parameters can be controlled using the theremin, control surfaces or continuous controllers like faders. In addition to realistic imitation of speaking or singing voices, other playing modes yield new interesting sounds. Voks participated in comparative perceptual evaluation of singing synthesis systems. It has been demonstrated in a live musical settings, using different control interfaces. In addition to musical or poetic performances, applications of performative vocal synthesis to language learning and speech reeducation are foreseen.
Keyword: [INFO.INFO-HC]Computer Science [cs]/Human-Computer Interaction [cs.HC]; [INFO.INFO-SD]Computer Science [cs]/Sound [cs.SD]; [INFO.INFO-TS]Computer Science [cs]/Signal and Image Processing; [SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics; new interfaces for musical expression; performative synthesis; real-time vocoder; singing synthesis; voice synthesis
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T-Voks: the Singing and Speaking Theremin
In: NIME 2019 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression ; ; NIME 2019 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, UFRGS, Jun 2019, Porto Alegre, Brazil. pp.110-115 ; (2019)
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