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Les Africains, sont-ils heureux? "Retour au rire" en temps de guerre, de famine et de misère
In: 20 (2022)
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Are Africans happy? 'Return to laughter' in times of war, famine and misery
In: 20 (2022)
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In: Doctoral Dissertations (2021)
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Identifying merit and potential beyond grades: Opportunities and challenges in using contextual data in undergraduate admissions at nine highly selective English universities
Mountford-Zimdars, A; Moore, J. - : Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2020
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Graduate and Professional Students’ Financial Hardships During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the gradSERU COVID-19 Survey
Soria, Krista M.. - : SERU Consortium, University of California - Berkeley and University of Minnesota., 2020
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Getting the Teacher’s Attention: Parent-Teacher Contact and Teachers’ Behavior in the Classroom
In: Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers (2020)
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The Correlation between Social Deixis and Social Class in a Speech by Nobel Prize Winners: A Sociopragmatic Study
In: LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal, Vol 10, Iss 1, Pp 23-39 (2020) (2020)
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Using Language to Rage against Victorian Hierarchy: Self-constructed Feminist Identity in Jane Eyre
In: Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching; Vol 4, No 1 (2020): METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, AND TEACHING; 1-10 ; 2580-2720 ; 2580-2712 ; 10.31002/metathesis.v4i1 (2020)
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For the Culture: The Importance of a Critical Social Theory within the Music Education Classroom
In: Senior Honors Theses (2019)
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Bipartite network structures and individual differences in sound change
In: Glossa: a journal of general linguistics; Vol 4, No 1 (2019); 61 ; 2397-1835 (2019)
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'Below English Line': an ethnographic exploration of class and the English language in post-liberalization India
In: Modern Asian Studies ; 52 ; 2 ; 576-608 (2019)
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Academic identity, confidence and belonging: the role of contextualised admissions and foundation years in higher education
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Varied starting points and pathways : a duoethnographic exploration of 'diverse' students' uneven capacities to aspire to doctoral education
Burford, J.; Mitchell, Cat. - : Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, 2019
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Varied starting points and pathways : a duoethnographic exploration of 'diverse' students' uneven capacities to aspire to doctoral education
Burford, J.; Mitchell, Cat. - : Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, 2019
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Varied starting points and pathways : a duoethnographic exploration of 'diverse' students' uneven capacities to aspire to doctoral education
Burford, J.; Mitchell, Cat. - : Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, 2019
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A construção discursiva televisual da mulher popular na telenovela: um estudo sobre as personagens de Avenida Brasil e A Regra do Jogo ; -
Mauro, Rosana. - : Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, 2019. : Universidade de São Paulo, 2019. : Escola de Comunicações e Artes, 2019
Abstract: Esta tese estuda personagens femininas consideradas populares em duas telenovelas de João Emanuel Carneiro, dirigidas por Amora Mautner, Avenida Brasil (2012) e A Regra do Jogo (2015/2016). Ambas foram exibidas na Rede Globo no horário das 21 horas. Consideramos como populares as personagens que representam mulheres da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho (ANTUNES, 2001), ou seja, que vendem seu trabalho de forma direta ou indireta, e que apresentam o habitus e o capital cultural (BOURDIEU, 2007) da classe popular. O objetivo foi analisar como essas personagens são construídas em termos discursivos e televisuais, face a um discurso circulante (CHARAUDEAU, 2012) a respeito da mulher popular no Brasil. Frente a esse objetivo, o trabalho organizou-se sobre dois grandes eixos: (1) a história e a formação de um discurso sobre a mulher pobre e urbana no país (SOIHET, 2015; FONSECA; 2015; RAGO, 2015), apoiando-nos também no conceito de representação de Hall (2016); (2) a construção da personagem de ficção televisiva, as particularidades das personagens de telenovela e a realização de uma tipologia da personagem feminina popular nas tramas estudadas. As análises consistiram no levantamento das principais características físicas, psicológica e sociais das personagens, na realização de tipologias e no estudo de cada uma delas, 28 no total, com base no plano do conteúdo e no plano da expressão e suas respectivas formas e substâncias, de acordo com a teoria de Hjelmslev (GREIMAS, 1973; FONTANILLE, 2008; VOLLI, 2007). O foco da análise recaiu sobre a construção de um discurso televisual o qual se corporifica por meio de questões formativas e estéticas não apenas do meio televisivo, mas também de matrizes culturais e formatos industriais que compõem a tecnicidade do mapa das mediações de Martín- Barbero (2009) e parte da midiatização. A metodologia empregou ferramentas da análise do discurso, dos estudos de linguagem de Bakhtin (1999; 2003; 2010) e da semiótica para abarcar a complexidade da construção de personagens nessas telenovelas como forma e produto cultural. Ao longo da análise, observou-se que a caracterização espaço-temporal das personagens mostrava-se como elemento-chave para sua construção e, recorrendo ao conceito de cronotopo (Bakhtin, 2010), foram encontrados nas personagens quatro tipos: o cronotopo de aventura, o idílico, o da terceira na vida privada e o trivial. As personagens foram divididas em trabalhadoras e emergentes sociais e nas seguintes tipologias: matriarca, mantenedora, periguete, femme fatale arrivista, melhores amigas, mentoras, camaleão, nêmesis, vilãs, heroína, mulher valente, mocinha melodramática e religiosas. Uma mesma personagem ocupou mais de uma classificação. ; This thesis studies female characters considered popular in two telenovelas by João Emanuel Carneiro, directed by Amora Mautner, Avenida Brasil (2012) and A Regra do Jogo (2015/2016). Both were shown on Rede Globo at 9 pm. We consider as popular the characters that represent women of the working class (ANTUNES, 2001), that is, that sell their work directly or indirectly, and that present the habitus and the cultural capital (BOURDIEU, 2007) of the popular class. The objective was to analyze how these characters are constructed in discursive and televisual terms, in the face of a circulating discourse (CHARAUDEAU, 2012) regarding popular women in Brazil. In the face of this objective, the work was organized on two main axes: (1) the history and the formation of a discourse on poor and urban women in the country (SOIHET, 2015, FONSECA, 2015, RAGO, 2015) also in Hall's concept of representation (2016); (2) the construction of the character of television fiction, the particularities of telenovela characters and the realization of a typology of the popular female character in the plots studied. The analyzes consisted in the survey of the main physical, psychological and social characteristics of the characters, in the accomplishment of typologies and in the study of each of them, 28 in total, based on the content plane and the plane of expression and their respective forms and substances, according to the theory of Hjelmslev (GREIMAS, 1973; FONTANILLE, 2008; VOLLI, 2007). The focus of the analysis was on the construction of a televisual discourse which is embodied through formative and aesthetic questions not only of the television medium, but also of cultural matrices and industrial formats that compose the technicality of Martín-Barbero's mediation map (2009) and part of the mediatization. The methodology employed tools of discourse analysis, Bakhtin's language studies (1999; 2003; 2010) and semiotics to encompass the complexity of character building in these telenovelas as a form and cultural product. Throughout the analysis, it was observed that the space-time characterization of the characters was shown as a key element for its construction and, using the concept of chronotope (Bakhtin, 2010), were found four types in the characters: the adventure chronotope, the idyllic, the third in private life and the trivial. The characters were divided into workers and emerging social and in the following typologies: matriarch, maintainer, periguete, femme fatale upstart, best friends, mentors, chameleon, nemesis, villains, heroine, brave woman, melodramatic and religious girl. The same character held more than one classification
Keyword: character; classe social; mulher popular; personagem; popular woman; social class; telenovela
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Indigenous Languages of Scotland: culture and the classroom
In: The Springer Handbook on Promoting Social Inclusion in Education ; 211 ; 221 (2019)
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Between race and class
In: Domínios de Lingu@gem, Vol 13, Iss 4, Pp 1330-1358 (2019) (2019)
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Enduring Inequality: How Social Class Shapes Where High-Achieving Students Apply to College
Lor, Yang Va. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2018
In: Lor, Yang Va. (2018). Enduring Inequality: How Social Class Shapes Where High-Achieving Students Apply to College. UC Berkeley: Sociology. Retrieved from: (2018)
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No Pain, No Gain: Perceptions of Adversity, Life Meaning, and Social Class
Grisham, Emma. - : eScholarship, University of California, 2018
In: Grisham, Emma. (2018). No Pain, No Gain: Perceptions of Adversity, Life Meaning, and Social Class. UC Irvine: Social Ecology. Retrieved from: (2018)
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