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Play and prosociality are associated with fewer externalizing problems in children with developmental language disorder: The role of early language and communication environment. ...
Toseeb, Umar; Gibson, Jenny; Newbury, Dianne F. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2020
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A Cross-Lagged Analysis of Emotion Regulation, Peer Problems, and Emotional Problems in Children With and Without Early Language Difficulties: Evidence From the Millennium Cohort Study. ...
Forrest, Claire L; Gibson, Jenny; Halligan, Sarah L. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2020
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Parental Perceptions and Decisions Regarding Maintaining Bilingualism in Autism ...
Howard, Katie; Gibson, Jenny; Katsos, Napoleon. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2020
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Parental Perceptions and Decisions Regarding Maintaining Bilingualism in Autism ...
Howard, Katie; Gibson, Jenny; Katsos, Napoleon. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2020
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Pathways from the early language and communication environment to literacy outcomes at the end of primary school: The roles of language development and social development
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Bilingualism in the family and child well-being: A scoping review ...
Müller, LM; Howard, Katie; Wilson, Elspeth. - : Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, 2020
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Play and Prosociality are Associated with Fewer Externalising Problems in Children with Developmental Language Disorder : The Role of Early Language and Communication Environment
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Emotion regulation and psychosocial difficulties (Forrest et al., 2020) ...
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Emotion regulation and psychosocial difficulties (Forrest et al., 2020) ...
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Bilingualism in the family and child well-being: A scoping review
Müller, LM; Howard, Katie; Wilson, Elspeth; Gibson, Jenny; Katsos, Napoleon. - : SAGE, 2020. : International Journal of Bilingualism, 2020
Abstract: © The Author(s) 2020. Aims and objectives: The aim of this scoping review is to investigate the association between bilingualism in the family and child subjective well-being, by reviewing the literature to identify key themes to date and remaining questions for future research. Methodology: Scopus, Web of Knowledge, ERIC, Psych Articles and PsychInfo were searched systematically between September and October 2018, and after title, abstract and full-text screening, 17 of the initial 1433 articles were included in this review. Data and analysis: Each study was coded for the discipline from which it emerged, the language combination studied, the measures of well-being and language proficiency it used, the geographical location of the study and the number of participants. Data on the link between bilingualism and well-being was extracted from each study. Findings and conclusion: Two main themes were identified: ‘The effect of language proficiency on family relationships’ and ‘The acculturation of parents and children as mediated by language’. Across studies, there was significant heterogeneity in definition of concepts and a diverse range of measures employed. In addition, the studies identified suggest a positive link between minority language maintenance and child well-being, and a positive influence of bilingualism, rather than knowledge of only the home or the majority language. However, the directionality of these relationships will need to be investigated in future research. Originality: This is the first scoping review conducted systematically to explore the link between bilingualism in the family and child well-being internationally. It builds on previous work such as a narrative review which examined this association in the European context. ; The idea for this review emerged from a series of stakeholder workshops which were supported by an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account grant entitled “Multilingualism for wellbeing: defining routes to impact among community language learners” (GNAG/064) and the production of this review was supported by a grant from the Cambridge University Language Sciences Incubator Fund entitled “Multilingualism and subjective wellbeing in the family: a systematic review” (U.GN.GNDB.AHAO.ERKZ).
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A Cross-Lagged Analysis of Emotion Regulation, Peer Problems, and Emotional Problems in Children With and Without Early Language Difficulties: Evidence From the Millennium Cohort Study.
Forrest, Claire L; Gibson, Jenny; Halligan, Sarah L. - : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2020. : Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 2020
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Parental Perceptions and Decisions Regarding Maintaining Bilingualism in Autism
In: J Autism Dev Disord (2020)
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Pathways from the early language and communication environment to literacy outcomes at the end of primary school; the roles of language development and social development
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