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Preface. Language in developmental and acquired disorders.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2014)
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When words fail us: insights into language processing from developmental and acquired disorders.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2014)
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Sequence-specific procedural learning deficits in children with specific language impairment.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2014)
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Problems with tense marking in children with specific language impairment: not how but when.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2014)
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A spotlight on preschool: the influence of family factors on children's early literacy skills
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2014)
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Cerebral asymmetry and language development: cause, correlate, or consequence?
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2013)
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Children with specific language impairment are not impaired in the acquisition and retention of Pavlovian delay and trace conditioning of the eyeblink response.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2013)
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Generalist genes and cognitive abilities in Chinese twins.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2013)
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Co-localisation of abnormal brain structure and function in specific language impairment.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2012)
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Delayed retention of new word-forms is better in children than adults regardless of language ability: a factorial two-way study.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2012)
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Auditory deficit as a consequence rather than endophenotype of specific language impairment: electrophysiological evidence.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef ; ORA review team (2012)
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Genetic and environmental influences on Chinese language and reading abilities.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2011)
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Is auditory discrimination mature by middle childhood? A study using time-frequency analysis of mismatch responses from 7 years to adulthood.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2011)
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Autism, language and communication in children with sex chromosome trisomies.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2011)
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DCDC2, KIAA0319 and CMIP are associated with reading-related traits.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2011)
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CNTNAP2 variants affect early language development in the general population.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef ; ORA review team (2011)
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Lower-frequency event-related desynchronization: a signature of late mismatch responses to sounds, which is reduced or absent in children with specific language impairment.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2010)
Abstract: Poor discrimination of nonlinguistic sounds has been implicated in language-learning problems in children, but research evidence has been inconsistent. This study included 32 participants with specific language impairment (SLI) and 32 typically developing controls aged 7-16 years. Frequency discrimination thresholds were estimated in a task where participants had to distinguish a higher-frequency tone from a 1000 Hz tone. Neurophysiological responses were assessed in an oddball paradigm. Stimuli were either 1030 or 1200 Hz pure tones (deviants) presented in a series of standard 1000 Hz tones, or syllables (deviant [da] or [bi] in a series of standard /ba/). On the behavioral task, children (7- to 11-year-olds) had high thresholds, regardless of language status, but teenagers (12-16 years) with SLI had higher thresholds than their controls. Conventional analysis of electrophysiological responses showed no difference between groups for the mismatch negativity (MMN), but the late discriminative negativity (LDN) was reduced in amplitude for smaller deviants in participants with SLI. Time-frequency analysis revealed that, whereas the MMN reflected enhanced intertrial coherence in the theta frequency band, the LDN corresponded to a period of event-related desynchronization extending across a wide low-frequency band including delta, theta, and alpha. This manifested as a drop in power in those frequencies, which was marked in the controls but reduced or absent in children with SLI across all stimulus types. This provides compelling evidence for a low-level auditory perceptual impairment in SLI that affects a processing stage after initial detection of a sound change.
Keyword: Acoustic Stimulation; Adolescent; Auditory; Child; Cortical Synchronization; Evoked Potentials; Female; Humans; Language Development Disorders; Male; Pilot Projects; Psychomotor Performance; Reaction Time; Speech Perception
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Narrowing the broader autism phenotype: a study using the Communication Checklist-Adult Version (CC-A).
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2010)
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A longitudinal investigation of early reading and language skills in children with poor reading comprehension.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2010)
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Assessment of cerebral lateralization in children using functional transcranial Doppler ultrasound (fTCD).
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef ; ORA review team (2010)
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