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Towards technological pedagogical content knowledge via cross socio-linguistic interaction : a case study of beginning teacher-researchers' decision-making in school-engaged teacher-researcher
Lu, Yiye. - 2014
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The sacred and the profane : writing the secondary English subjects and the delimiting of professional identity
Howie, Mark. - 2014
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Towards a taxonomy : history teachers and history classrooms
Mootz, Denis G.. - 2014
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Making Chinese learnable from perspectives of Australian beginning learners : through lesson preparation, materials and teaching strategies
Yue, Yi. - 2014
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Scaffolding Chinese teaching and learning
Zhou, Lan. - 2013
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The impact of beginning Mandarin teachers' knowledge on primary students’ classroom engagement in Western Sydney schools
Qiu, Wenlu. - 2013
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The impact of visual pedagogy on students' learning of Hanyu : a case study of a Western Sydney public school
Huo, Luhua. - 2012
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Popular culture and engagement in teaching Mandarin : an action research project
Yu, Xinyu. - 2012
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A Chinese beginning teacher's professional identity transformation : an auto-ethnographic study
Chen, Hongwei. - 2011
Abstract: This study explores the construction of my professional identity during my first year of teaching as a Mandarin teacher in two Australian secondary schools in the Western Sydney Region of NSW. I began teaching in schools in Western Sydney as part of the ROSETE Program, which is an innovative teacher education program in cooperation between the Ningbo Educational Bureau in China, NSW DET in Australia and the University of Western Sydney. Distinct to my experiences in my first year of teaching is that I am Chinese and have only experienced formal education in China. I therefore had no experience of Western conceptualisations of schools, teaching and learning. Auto-ethnography was the methodology used in this study to examine the cultural element of my experiences during the first year of teaching. Data collected and analysed included self-reflective journal entries, teacher interviews, and student surveys. Narratives were developed to identify: the critical incidents I experienced when teaching in the classroom; the factors that contributed to these critical incidents; how I engaged with these critical incidents and how they contributed to my professional identity as a teacher. Aspects of professional identity, beginning teacher and teaching practice theories were used to interpret and discuss these narratives. The aim of the discussion was to make sense of my experience of a Chinese beginning teacher's professional identity transformation in an Australian context. One critical incident I experienced was associated with my lack of familiarity with how Australian students behave in schools. In addition, I lacked experience in managing student behaviour. After a period of teaching practice, I shifted my traditional Chinese beliefs of classroom management to adapt to the Australian classroom context. A second critical incident was my lack of experience with planning and preparing lessons without a fixed and mandatory textbook. A third critical incident was the realisation that my teaching strategies were not helping my students' learning Mandarin. I realised the need to develop my understandings of Western pedagogy to improve the students' learning outcomes. This study contributes knowledge about a non-native, beginning language teacher's experience. This knowledge is important for teachers, for teacher preparation programs and for teacher professional learning in Australia and in China.
Keyword: 2011; Australia; autoethnography; Chinese language; cross-cultural studies; effective teaching; English speakers; in-service training; language teachers; Mandarin dialects; study and teaching (secondary); Thesis (M.Ed. (Hons.))--University of Western Sydney
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Interest-based language teaching : stimulating Australian students' interest in learning Mandarin
Yuan, Jing. - 2011
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Assessment for learning : enhancing activities to learn Mandarin
Chen, Yi. - 2011
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Teacher engagement in second language (L2) classrooms : teacher-as-researcher
Wu, Ting. - 2010
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Intervening to create conceptual change
Ross, Pauline M.; Tronson, Deidre A.. - : Sydney, N.S.W, UniServe, 2007
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"In my country nurses don't … " : Australian undergraduate nurse education and the international culturally and linguistically different student
Dickson, Cathy; Lock, Linette R.; Carey, Michael. - : The Gap, Qld, ISANA International Education Association Inc., 2007
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