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Improved Spoken Language Representation for Intent Understanding in a Task-Oriented Dialogue System
In: Sensors; Volume 22; Issue 4; Pages: 1509 (2022)
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A Literature Survey of Recent Advances in Chatbots
In: Information; Volume 13; Issue 1; Pages: 41 (2022)
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Solomon Marcus: pledoarie pentru "Dialogul disciplinelor" ...
Vrabie, Diana. - : Zenodo, 2021
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Solomon Marcus: pledoarie pentru "Dialogul disciplinelor" ...
Vrabie, Diana. - : Zenodo, 2021
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Recent Advances in Dialogue Machine Translation
In: Information ; Volume 12 ; Issue 11 (2021)
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Designing a virtual patient dialogue system based on terminology-rich resources: Challenges and evaluation
Campillos Llanos, Leonardo; Rosset, Sophie; Bilinski, Éric. - : Cambridge University Press, 2020
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Multimodal and Interactive Models for Visually Grounded Language Learning ; Développement de modèles multimodaux intéractifs pour l'apprentissage du language dans des environnements visuels
Strub, Florian. - : HAL CCSD, 2020
In: ; Neural and Evolutionary Computing [cs.NE]. Université de Lille; École doctorale, ED SPI 074 : Sciences pour l'Ingénieur, 2020. English (2020)
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Spot The Bot : a robust and efficient framework for the evaluation of conversational dialogue systems ...
Deriu, Jan Milan; Tuggener, Don; Von Däniken, Pius. - : Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020
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東中 竜一郎; 船越 孝太郎; 稲葉 通将. - : 人工知能学会, 2020
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Languages in a network-centric world ; Языки в сетецентрическом мире. ; Мова в мережецентричному світі
In: Bionics of Intelligence; Vol. 1 No. 94 (2020): Scientific and Technical Journal "Bionics of Intelligence"; 3-6 ; Бионика интеллекта; Том 1 № 94 (2020): Научно-технический журнал "Бионика интеллекта"; 3-6 ; Біоніка інтелекту; Том 1 № 94 (2020): Науково-технічний журнал "Біоніка інтелекту"; 3-6 ; 2663-306X ; 2663-3051 (2020)
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Designing a virtual patient dialogue system based on terminology-rich resources: challenges and evaluation
In: ISSN: 1351-3249 ; EISSN: 1469-8110 ; Natural Language Engineering ; ; Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019, pp.1-38 (2019)
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PALbot: a Plug&(Almost)pLay chatbot
Abstract: Para a comunicação entre seres humanos e computadores é necessária a identificação dos traços que os distinguem e das características do funcionamento de cada um. Desde a eletrónica, que é desenvolvida através de fenómenos físicos bem delineados, à informática, que assenta em axiomáticas matemáticas, o processo de funcionamento de um computador está livre de traços humanos e é conhecido por fornecer respostas concretas, verdadeiras e lógicas. Neste projeto foi desenvolvido um sistema de diálogo, denominado por PALbot com o objetivo de melhorar a acessibilidade na procura de informação para os utilizadores da plataforma do Ciberdúvidas. O PALbot é um programa que simula uma conversa humana, esclarecendo dúvidas relativamente à Língua Portuguesa, na forma de diálogo com o utilizador. Após desenvolvimento do chatbot, foi realizado um inquérito de forma a avaliar a ferramenta desenvolvida. Os resultados do inquérito revelam 65,54% de respostas corretas com a base de conhecimento da plataforma do Ciberdúvidas inserida no sistema de conversação. Adicionalmente, elaborou-se um conjunto de testes de forma a avaliar os atributos de qualidade, nomeadamente eficácia e eficiência, concluindo que 65,28% dos inquiridos concordam que o PALbot facilita quase sempre ou sempre o acesso à informação. Em suma, o chabot desenvolvido durante a presente dissertação apresenta potencial para melhorar a acessibilidade dos utilizadores na procura de informação bem como para auxiliar a plataforma Ciberdúvidas melhorando o esclarecimento de dúvidas relativas à Língua Portuguesa. ; A good interaction between humans and computers is built on top of each other’s characteristics, functionality and behavior. From electronics, developed through actual physical phenomena, to informatics, built on mathematical axioms, the functionality of a computer is free of human trace. While computers are known for providing correct, true and logic answers, humans spend a vast amount of time on an informal dialog with almost no purpose. In this project, a dialog system named PALbot was developed to help Ciberdúvidas platform users access information. This program simulates a human conversation answering Portuguese linguistic questions to the user. After developing the chatbot, an inquire was made to evaluate the tool in question showing the program gave a correct answer 65.54% of times with the knowledge base of Ciberdúvidas platform. Additionally, another pool of tests was made to evaluate quality attributes such as efficiency and efficacy, in which was concluded that 65.28% of the enquired agree that PALbot always and almost always makes it easy to access to the information required. The chatbot developed during the current dissertation shows high potential to improve user’s accessibility to information as well as to help Ciberdúvidas platform answering Portuguese linguistic questions.
Keyword: Agente de conversação; Artificial Intelligence; Chatbot; Dialogue system; Domínio/Área Científica::Engenharia e Tecnologia; Inteligência artificial; Sistema de diálogo; Usabilidade; Usability
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Using Alignments in Automatic Paraphrase Production to Combat Data Sparsity in Question Interpretation for a Virtual Patient Dialogue System
Ewing, Sarah. - : The Ohio State University, 2019
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Usage-based Learning in Human Interaction with an Adpative Assistant Agent ; Apprentissage basé sur l’usage en interaction humaine avec un assistant adaptatif
Delgrange, Clément. - : HAL CCSD, 2018
In: ; Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain. Université de Lyon, 2018. Français. ⟨NNT : 2018LYSE1290⟩ (2018)
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Speech and language resources for the development of dialogue systems and problems arising from their deployment
Ryuichiro Higashinaka; Ryo Ishii; Narimune Matsumura. - : Center for Corpus Development, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, 2018
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On-Talk and Off-Talk Detection: A Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis of Electroencephalogram ; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018)
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Interactive Question Answering Using Frame-Based Knowledge Representation
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Czech restaurant information dataset for NLG
Dušek, Ondřej; Jurčíček, Filip; Dvořák, Josef. - : Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL), 2017
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Natural language generation for spoken dialogue system using RNN encoder-decoder networks
Nguyen, Le-Minh; Tran, Van Khanh. - : Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017
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Dialoogsüsteem ja läbirääkimiste struktuur
In: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat, Vol 13, Pp 37-51 (2017) (2017)
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