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'To CLIL or not to CLIL.' : tot construint un projecte per a l'Europa Multilingüe
Pérez Vidal, Carmen; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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A Quantitative Approach to FL Learner Oral Data : methodological Issues
Evnitskaya, Natalia; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Content integration in bilingual education : educational and interactional practices in the
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Learning the Archimedes' principle in English… is also possible for students with special educational needs
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Explaining : a central discourse function in instruction
Dalton-Puffer, Christiane; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Les feines del mar. Aproximació i ús de les llengües a través de l'estudi del medi
de la Rocha, Pepa; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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The keeping of journals in CLIL contexts : how to make reflection possible by teachers and pupils
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The role of tasks in CLIL program development
Gilabert, Roger; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Analysis of the CLIL model in Galicia
San Isidro Agrelo, Fco. Xabier; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Using a socio-cultural CLIL pedagogical model to develop subject matter CLIL Courses
Moate, Josephine; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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CLIL courses as meeting points for teacher students and professional teachers from different disciplines - CLIL courses as effective platforms for creating cross-curricular projects
Sandberg, Ylva; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Dix ans de pratique CLIL en Belgique multilingue. Un résumé des résultats d'apprentissage
Abstract: III Colloquium on Semi-Immersion in Catalonia ; III Encuentro sobre Semi-Inmersión en Cataluña ; Since 1998, CLIL is an official learning and teaching approach for primary schools in French-speaking Belgium. In 2001 a number of Dutch-speaking schools in Brussels followed this example. This paper traces the practice of CLIL in these two areas and discusses a number of research issues. In the first part the political issues regarding the implementation of CLIL are addressed. It is shown how feelings toward this approach differ throughout the country and why this is the case. In the second part, the practice of CLIL is examined. A number of schools teach as much as 70% of the curriculum in the target language, while others limit themselves to 20%. The didactic consequences of the different approaches are examined. Among the problems addressed are the questions (1) whether it is desirable or not that in the development of pupils' linguistic skills, at a certain point in their development, the target language turns out to be the best language? and (2) whether or not it is desirable that reading starts in the target language rather than in the first one? In the third part the six tenets used by our research group are discussed. These are: (1) knowledge of the target language, (2) knowledge of the mother tongue, (3) knowledge of subject-matter, (4) attitudes and motivation, (5) cognitive development and (6) neuroscientific aspects of the brain of bilinguals. The results indicate that CLIL is a powerful learning approach that goes far beyond language knowledge and development but reaches out to cognitive and neuroscientific aspects as well. This leads us to think of CLIL as a really innovative approach not only to language education but to education in general.
Keyword: Adquisició de llengües; Adquisición de lenguas; AICLE; Aprendizaje de lenguas; Aprenentatge de llengües; Bilingualism; Bilingüisme; Bilingüismo; CLIL; CLIL-SI; Didàctica; Didáctica; Didáctica de la lengua; Didàctica de la llengua; Educació plurilingüe; Educación plurilingüe; Enseñanza de lenguas; Ensenyament de llengües; Foreign language; Formació del professorat de llengua; Formación del profesorado de lengua; GREIP; ICE UAB; Immersió; Inmersión; Integració; Integración; Integration; Language acquisition; Language learning; Language pedagogy; Language teaching; Lengua extranjera; Llengua estrangera; Multilingualism; Multilingüisme; Multilingüismo; Plurilingual education; Plurilingualism; Plurilingüisme; Plurilingüismo; Second language; Segona llengua; Segunda lengua; Semiimmersió; Semiimmersion; Semiinmersión; Teacher Education; Teacher Training; TEFL
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Becoming Reporters In A Clil Classroom: Development Of Shared Understanding Of Task Requirements In Group Work
Tapias Nadales, N.; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Methodology framework : CLIL implementation and resources
Maldonado, Natàlia; Vidal, Francesca; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències). - 2009
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How plurilingualism contributes to the development of language and subject knowledge in a higher education CLIL classroom
Moore, Emilee; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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New Settings for Content and Languages Integrated Learning
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Let's become a reporter!, una experiència CLIL a l'IES Salvador Espriu
Prunés, Núria; Margalef, Miriam; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències). - 2009
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Reading to Learn and to Develop Critical Thinking and the Learning of Science
Sanmartí, Neus; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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Wireless CLIL : un ejemplo de aprendizaje entre iguales utilizando videoconferencia
D'Angelo, L.; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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CLIL Programmes in Primary Education. The Case of Madrid
Pérez Murillo, María Dolores; Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. - 2009
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