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Neural responses demonstrate the dynamicity of speech perception
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EmotionWatch: Visualizing Fine-Grained Emotions in Event-Related Tweets
In: Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media; Vol. 8 No. 1 (2014): Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media ; 2334-0770 ; 2162-3449 (2014)
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Temporal expression recognition using dependency trees
Mazur, Pawel; Dale, Robert. - : Switzerland : Springer Verlag, 2014
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Grammatical aspect and event recognition in children's online sentence comprehension
Zhou, Peng; Crain, Stephen; Zhan, Likan. - : Elsevier, 2014
Abstract: This study investigated whether or not the temporal information encoded in aspectual morphemes can be used immediately by young children to facilitate event recognition during online sentence comprehension. We focused on the contrast between two grammatical aspectual morphemes in Mandarin Chinese, the perfective morpheme -le and the (imperfective) durative morpheme -zhe. The perfective morpheme -le is often used to indicate that an event has been completed, whereas the durative morpheme -zhe indicates that an event is still in progress or continuing. We were interested to see whether young children are able to use the temporal reference encoded in the two aspectual morphemes (i.e., completed versus ongoing) as rapidly as adults to facilitate event recognition during online sentence comprehension. Using the visual world eye-tracking paradigm, we tested 34 Mandarin-speaking adults and 99 Mandarin-speaking children (35 three-year-olds, 32 four-year-olds and 32 five-year-olds). On each trial, participants were presented with spoken sentences containing either of the two aspectual morphemes while viewing a visual image containing two pictures, one representing a completed event and one representing an ongoing event. Participants' eye movements were recorded from the onset of the spoken sentences. The results show that both the adults and the three age groups of children exhibited a facilitatory effect trigged by the aspectual morpheme: hearing the perfective morpheme -le triggered more eye movements to the completed event area, whereas hearing the durative morpheme -zhe triggered more eye movements to the ongoing event area. This effect occurred immediately after the onset of the aspectual morpheme, both for the adults and the three groups of children. This is evidence that young children are able to use the temporal information encoded in aspectual morphemes as rapidly as adults to facilitate event recognition. Children's eye movement patterns reflect a rapid mapping of grammatical aspect onto the temporal structures of events depicted in the visual scene. ; 15 page(s)
Keyword: 200400 Linguistics; Child language; Event recognition; Eye movements; Grammatical aspect; Mandarin Chinese; Temporal reference
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Semantic richness effects in visual word processing
Rabovsky, Milena. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2014
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Semantic richness effects in visual word processing ...
Rabovsky, Milena. - : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2014
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Face Recognition and Event Detection in Video: An Overview of PROVE-IT Projects
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Dynamics of alpha oscillations elucidate facial affect recognition in schizophrenia
In: Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience ; 14 (2014), 1. - S. 364-377. - ISSN 1530-7026. - eISSN 1531-135X (2014)
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Hemispheric differences in orthographic and semantic processing as revealed by event-related potentials
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Hemispheric asymmetries in word recognition as revealed by the orthographic uniqueness point effect
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Unsupervised Event Extraction from News and Twitter ; IDEAL Computational Linguistics Prototype
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