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AntConc: a freeware corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis ; AntConc: eine freie Software für die Auswertung von Konkordanzen und Texte in Textkorpora
Abstract: This application is currently not available due to technical reasons! This application enables you to open and work with AntConc in your browser without installing it on your computer. AntConc was developed by Laurence Anthony at Waseda University and is a “freeware, multiplatform tool for carrying out corpus linguistics research and data-driven learning” (Anthony 2014). We hereby would like to say thank you to Laurence Anthony for supporting us in setting up the emulation! Select a corpus and hit the start button to start the emulation. After opening AntConc in your browser, you can open specific file(s) of interest via “File” > “Open File(s)” and then make use of a range of AntConc tools for carrying out corpus searches and ordering data. The concordance tool, for example, displays keywords in context (KWIC). It shows you which words precede and follow a search term. This can tell you something about common (and less common) uses of words and phrases in the data. If you would like to view a key word as embedded in the raw corpus text, you can make use of the file view tool (cf. Anthony 2014). All in all, the AntConc emulation facilitates in-depth analyses of text corpora. Moreover, the emulation provides an easy-to-handle tool for introducing corpus linguistics to students, thus offering various opportunities for teaching and learning. Source: Anthony, Laurence. 2014. AntConc (Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux). (19 April 2016).
Keyword: Emulation; Virtuelle Maschine
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