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Closing The English Language Proficiency Gap In Post-Secondary Education In Canada
In: Dissertations (2021)
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Textproduktion von schwach schreibenden Jugendlichen. Eine empirische Studie zum Schreibprozess im Kontext des persuasiven Argumentierens
Lindauer, Nadja. - : Waxmann, 2021. : Münster, 2021. : New York, 2021. : pedocs-Dokumentenserver/DIPF, 2021
In: Münster ; New York : Waxmann 2021, 306 S. - (Sprachliche Bildung – Studien; 9) (2021)
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OER Guide for WR 227 Instructors: Using Open Educational Resources (OERs) in WR 227 Courses
In: PDXOpen: Open Educational Resources (2021)
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Translanguaging and Academic Writing: Possibilities and Challenges in English-Only Classrooms ...
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Translanguaging and Academic Writing: Possibilities and Challenges in English-Only Classrooms ...
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TESOL Applications of the Regressive Imagery Dictionary: An Exploratory Analysis of Word Frequency, Text-Type, and Narrative Production ...
Stockton, Richard. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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TESOL Applications of the Regressive Imagery Dictionary: An Exploratory Analysis of Word Frequency, Text-Type, and Narrative Production ...
Stockton, Richard. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Completing the first assignment: A case study of the writing processes of a successful and an unsuccessful student
In: Research outputs 2014 to 2021 (2021)
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Learning Effect in a Multilingual Web-Based Argumentative Writing Instruction Model, Called ECM, on Metacognition, Rhetorical Moves and Self-Efficacy for Scientific Purposes
In: Mathematics ; Volume 9 ; Issue 17 (2021)
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess the learning effect of a multilingual web-based argumentative writing instruction model called the Ensayo Científico Multilingüe (ECM, Multilingual Scientific Essay) adapting the didactic model called Genre-based Writing Instruction (GBWI) in an experiment conducted over three months. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental research model was applied to 150 students in the experimental group and 150 in the control group, with two measurements, pre and post-test, for three dependent variables: (a) writing metacognition and its dimensions ; (b) written argumentative self-efficacy ; and (c) rhetorical moves and steps of an argumentative essay. The latter variable was measured by the content analysis method. Variables (a) and (b) were both measured with instruments validated in a population of 518 university students using structural equations. The findings demonstrate the positive effect of the ECM, which combines WBWI and GBWI in argumentative written learning in the students’ mother tongue in all variables measured, applying statistics such as the Shapiro–Wilk statistic, parametric contrast, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. In relation to the findings, with respect to the evaluated variables, it was discovered, specifically, that the rhetorical steps in which the students showed a significant improvement were innovations, quotes/research, definitions of concepts, refutations, definitive reasons, and bibliographical references. Likewise, the rhetorical steps that did not present significant differences following the application of the ECM were discovered, and they were: reason summary, formulation of premise, and reasons for. Furthermore, it can be stated that for the ECM there was an increase, above all, in awareness of the following metacognitive dimensions: (a) writing self-regulation ; (b) writing planning ; and (c) writing revision, as well as argumentative self-efficacy. The novelties of this research with respect to the precedents reside in that it offers valid and concrete results on the effect of a multilingual web design integrated into a well-defined didactic model of argumentative writing on writing metacognition and its dimensions, argumentative structuring and its rhetorical steps, and argumentative self-efficacy. The related studies consider only some of these variables, but not all of them together or their complexity. These results have allowed us to establish specific didactic–technological proposals for improving the ECM that are transferable to didactic designs to guide written argumentation at higher academic levels using multilingual web technologies and integrating the metacognitive, behavioral, and motivational dimensions of writing.
Keyword: argumentative self-efficacy; didactics of written language; genre-based writing instruction; multilingual scientific essay; rhetorical moves; technologies for writing communication; university; writing metacognition
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The Challenges of Struggling Writers: Strategies That Can Help
In: Education Sciences; Volume 11; Issue 12; Pages: 795 (2021)
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Teachers’ Experiences Incorporating English Language Learners Funds of Knowledge Into Scripted Curricula
In: Middle and Secondary Education Dissertations (2021)
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A Call for Something Better: Classrooms as Foundations of Respectful Argument for Civic Engagement
In: Michigan Reading Journal (2021)
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Technologies for Learning Writing in L1 and L2 for the 21st Century: effects on writing metacognition, self-efficacy and argumentative structuring
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Learning Effect in a Multilingual Web-Based Argumentative Writing Instruction Model, Called ECM, on Metacognition, Rhetorical Moves, and Self-Efficacy for Scientific Purposes
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Expressão escrita com a aplicação de conectores ; The use of connectors in writing
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The Poetry Café: An On-line Writing Workshop for Refugee and Newcomer Youth
In: Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Students in Open or Online Learning Environments: A Research Symposium (2021)
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Critical Pedagogy and Accountability: An Autoethnographic Analysis of Race and Embodiment in Tennessee's Teacher Evaluations
In: Masters Theses (2021)
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“The Hidden Door That Leads to Several Moments More”: Finding Context for the Literacy Narrative in First Year Writing
In: The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (2021)
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Contemplative Correspondence and the Muscle of Metaphor: An Interview with Rev. Karen Hering
In: The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (2021)
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Acting with Inscriptions: Expanding Perspectives of Writing, Learning, and Becoming
In: The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (2021)
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