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The role of prosody in processing the structure of events in Portuguese: a behavioral test ...
Silva, Ebson. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
Abstract: Over the course of a day, we participate and are exposed to a series of actions: we wake up, have breakfast, go to work, have lunch, come back from work, have dinner and, finally, sleep. Although these actions follow one another, we tend to segment them into events, just as we did in the example of daily activities just given. We perceive everyday actions as a series of discrete events, that is, a series of “pieces” that can be identified in time (ZACKS et al., 2007). These pieces we call events. Events are actions (i) that have a goal; (ii) that they are situated in time, that is, they have a beginning and an end; (iii) that occur in a given space; (iv) involving people and objects etc. (RADVANSKY; ZACKS, 2014; ZACKS; TVERSKY, 2001). But how are these events represented in the Portuguese language? How are linguistic structures manipulated so that we can these events represented in discourse? Studies that investigate the processing of events in oral and written narratives seek to answer this question: what ...
Keyword: Cognition and Perception; Experimental Analysis of Behavior; FOS Languages and literature; FOS Psychology; Language Description and Documentation; Linguistics; Phonetics; Phonetics and Phonology; Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics; Psychology; Social and Behavioral Sciences
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