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Measurement of the muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector using 2011 and 2012 LHC proton-proton collision data.
In: Symplectic Elements at Oxford ; Europe PubMed Central ; PubMed ( ; Web of Science (Lite) ( ; Scopus ( ; CrossRef (2014)
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A measurement of the charged and neutral B meson lifetimes using fully reconstructed decays
Aubert, B.; Boucham, A.; Boutigny, D.; De Bonis, I.; Favier, J.; Gaillard, J.M.; Galeazzi, F.; Jeremie, A.; Karyotakis, Y.; Lees, J.P.; Robbe, P.; Tisserand, V.; Zachariadou, K.; Palano, A.; Chen, G.P.; Chen, J.C.; Qi, N.D.; Rong, G.; Wang, P.; Zhu, Y.S.; Eigen, G.; Reinertsen, P.L.; Stugu, B.; Abbott, B.; Abrams, G.S.; Borgland, A.W.; Breon, A.B.; Brown, D.N.; Button-Shafer, J.; Cahn, R.N.; Clark, A.R.; Fan, Q.; Gill, M.S.; Gowdy, S.J.; Groysman, Y.; Jacobsen, R.G.; Kadel, R.W.; Kadyk, J.; Kerth, L.T.; Kluth, S.; Kral, J.F.; Leclerc, Céline; Levi, M.E.; Liu, T.; Lynch, G.; Meyer, A.B.; Momayezi, M.; Oddone, P.J.; Perazzo, A.; Pripstein, M.; Roe, N.A.; Romosan, A.; Ronan, M.T.; Shelkov, V.G.; Strother, P.; Telnov, A.V.; Wenzel, W.A.; Bright-Thomas, P.G.; Champion, T.J.; Hawkes, C.M.; Kirk, A.; O'Neale, S.W.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Deppermann, T.; Koch, H.; Krug, J.; Kunze, M.; Lewandowski, B.; Peters, K.; Schmuecker, H.; Steinke, M.; Andress, J.C.; Chevalier, N.; Clark, P.J.; Cottingham, N.; De Groot, N.; Dyce, N.; Foster, B.; Mass, A.; Wallom, D.; Wislon, F.F.; Abe, K.; Hearty, C.; Mattison, T.S.; McKenna, J.A.; Thiessen, D.; Camanzi, B.; McKemey, A.K.; Tinslay, J.; Blinov, V.E.; Bukin, A.D.; Bukin, D.A.; Buzykaev, A.R.; Dubrovin, M.S.; Golubev, V.B.; Ivanchenko, V.N.; Korol, A.A.; Kravchenko, E.A.; Onuchin, A.P.; Salnikov, A.A.; Serednyakov, S.I.; Skovpen, Y.I.; Yushkov, A.N.; Lankford, A.J.; Mandelkern, M.; Stoker, D.P.; Ahsan, A.; Arisaka, K.; Buchanan, C.; Chun, S.; Branson, J.G.; Faccini, R.; MacFarlane, D.B.; Rahatlou, S.; Raven, G.; Sharma, V.; Campagnari, C.; Dahmes, B.; Hart, P.A.; Kuznetsova, N.; Levy, S.L.; Long, O.; Lu, A.; Richman, J.D.; Verkerke, W.; Witherell, M.; Yellin, S.; Beringer, J.; Dorfan, D.E.; Eisner, A.; Frey, A.; Grillo, A.A.; Grothe, M.; Heusch, C.A.; Johnson, R.P.; Kroeger, W.; Lockman, W.S.; Pulliam, T.; Sadrozinski, H.; Schalk, T.; Schmitz, R.E.; Schumm, B.A.; Seiden, A.; Turri, M.; Williams, D.C.; Chen, E.; Dubois-Felsmann, G.P.; Dvoretskii, A.; 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Kirkby, D.; Meyer, T.I.; Roat, C.; De Silva, A.; Henderson, R.; Bugg, W.; Cohn, H.; Hart, E.; Weidemann, A.W.; Benninger, T.; Izen, J.M.; Kitayama, I.; Lou, X.C.; Turcotte, M.; Bianchi, F.; Bona, M.; Di Girolamo, B.; Gamba, D.; Smol, A.; Zanin, D.; Bosisio, L.; Della Ricca, G.; Lanceri, L.; Pompili, A.; Poropat, P.; Prest, M.; Vallazza, E.; Vaugnin, G.; Panvini, R.S.; Brown, C.M.; Jackson, P.D.; Kowalewski, R.; Roney, J.M.; Band, H.R.; Charles, E.; Dasu, S.; Elmer, P.; Johnson, J.R.; Nielsen, J.; Orejudos, W.; Pan, Y.; Prepost, R.; Walsh, J.; Yu, Z.; Zobernig, H.
In: International Conference on High-Energy Physics 30 ICHEP 2000 ; ; International Conference on High-Energy Physics 30 ICHEP 2000, Jul 2000, Osaka, Japan. pp.1-22 (2000)
Abstract: Data collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B Factory at SLAC are used to study the lifetimes of the B^0 and B^+ mesons. The data sample consists of 7.4 fb-1 collected near the Y(4S) resonance. B^0 and B^+ mesons are fully reconstructed in several exclusive hadronic decay modes to charm and charmonium final states. The B lifetimes are determined from the flight length difference between the two B mesons which are pair-produced in the Y(4S) decay. The preliminary measurements of the lifetimes are tau_B0 = 1.506+/-0.052(stat)+/-0.029(syst) ps, tau_B+ = 1.602+/-0.049(stat)+/-0.035(syst) ps, and of their ratio is tau_B+/tau_B0 = 1.065+/-0.044(stat)+/-0.021(syst)
Keyword: [PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]; internet; search engine; seredipity; sociolinguistic; typology; Uses
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In: Language. - Washington, DC : Linguistic Society of America 72 (1996) 1, 142-145
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Realism, model theory, and linguistic semantics
Abbott, B; Hauser, L. - 1995
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A pragmatic account of the definiteness effect in existential sentences
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