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Determining cross-linguistic phonological similarity between segments: The primacy of abstract aspects of similarity
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On the cognitive basis of contact-induced sound change: Vowel merger reversal in Shanghainese
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Relationships of attitudes toward homework and time spent on homework to course outcomes: The case of foreign language learning
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Bilingual perceptual benefits of experience with a heritage language
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The production and perception of coronal fricatives in Seoul Korean: The case for a fourth laryngeal category
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A statistical study on ELF-whistlers/emissions and M ≥ 5.0 earthquakes in Taiwan
Liu, J. Y.; Wang, K.; Chen, C. H.; Yang, W. H.; Yen, Y. H.; Chen, Y. I.; Hatorri, K.; Su, H. T.; Hsu, R. R.; Chang, C. H.. - : Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2013
In this paper, we conduct statistical approaches to study the potential relation between ELF-whistlers/emissions below 100 Hz and 20 M ≥ 5.0 earthquakes occurred in Taiwan in the period from 26 August 2003 to 13 July 2004. Occurrence ratios of the ELF-whistler and ELF-emission of the entire study period are computed as the reference backgrounds. Our study shows that the ELF-whistlers and ELF-emissions during the earthquake period appear less and more frequently than their associated backgrounds, respectively. For the ELF-emission, the larger earthquakes generally yield the higher occurrence ratios. The statistical analyses confirm that the occurrence ratios of the ELF-emission significantly enhance 5-7 days before the earthquakes and are proportional to the earthquake magnitude but inversely to the distance from the observatory to the epicenter. Key Points The ELF-emissions significantly enhance before large earthquakes The appearance of the ELF-emissions is proportional to the earthquake magnitude Less chance observing the ELF-emissions if far away from the epicenter.
URL: https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:673667
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Evidence for language transfer leading to a perceptual advantage for non-native listeners
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Rapid and multifaceted effects of second-language learning on first-language speech production
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Phonetics vs. phonology in loanword adaptation: Revisiting the role of the bilingual
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Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Theoretical Approaches to Argument Structure
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Production of phonetic and phonological contrast by heritage speakers of Mandarin
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Early Oral Language Markers of Poor Reading Performance in Hong Kong Chinese Children
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The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin
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First language phonetic drift during second language acquisition
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Optional elements and variant structures in the productions of bei2 ‘to give’ dative constructions in Cantonese-speaking adults and three-year-old children
In: Journal of Child Language, 01-01-2010 (2010)
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Bridging the Gap between Graph Modeling and Developmental Psycholinguistics: An Experiment on Measuring Lexical Proximity in Chinese Semantic Space
In: Proceding of The 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ; 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ; https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00992105 ; 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 2009, Hong Kong SAR China. pp.118--130 (2009)
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