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Complex foraging behaviours in wild birds emerge from social learning and recombination of components
In: Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2022)
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Interference from object part relations in spoken word production: behavioural and fMRI evidence
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Feature overlap slows lexical selection: evidence from the picture-word interference paradigm
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Relationship between subacute brain activity and aphasia recovery
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Subcortical activity during verbal selection and suppression in Parkinson's Disease
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Neural substrates of short and long-term semantic facilitation of naming in aphasia
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Neural substrates and time course of phonological facilitation in aphasia
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Semantic context and visual feature effects in object naming: an fMRI study using arterial spin labeling
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Neural substrates of naming treatment in aphasia: A functional MRI study
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Functional MRI evidence for dopaminergic neuromodulation of semantic priming in healthy individuals
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Brain mechanisms underlying phonological treatment effects in aphasia
A functional MRI-naming paradigm was employed to investigate the neural correlates of successful phonological treatment in an individual with impaired word-retrieval poststroke. Items to be treated were selected in a pretest. A subsequent pretreatment fMRI scan measured brain activity during unsuccessful naming of objects to be treated and during successful naming of a comparison set of items. A phonological naming treatment was delivered 2 to 3 times weekly over 3 weeks with posttreatment behavioural testing indicating 100% accuracy on treated items. A posttreatment fMRI scan indicated that compared to the pretreatment scan, successful naming of treated items was associated with significantly increased brain activity in a number of left and right hemisphere regions including the left inferior parietal cortex which has been associated with phonological processing in healthy individuals, suggesting a candidate neural mechanism for sound-based treatments of naming.
11 Medical and Health Sciences; 110321 Rehabilitation and Therapy (excl. Physiotherapy); Aphasia; Brain; MRI; Phonological treatment
URL: https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:189480
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Normal and anomalous classification of category exemplars in schizophrenia
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Orthographic effects on picture naming in Chinese: A 4T erfMRI study
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Orthographic/phonological facilitation of naming responses in the picture-word task: An event-related fMRI study using overt vocal responding
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