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The representation of Islam and Islamic culture in realist and magical realist contemporary literature: a cultural critique of Western representation of Islam
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The Ainu in documentary films: promiscuous iconography and the absent image
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Current challenges of language policy and planning for international organisations
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Academic texts in motion: a text history study of co-authorship interactions in writing
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Helping EAL academics navigate asymmetrical power relations in co-authorship: research-based materials for ERPP workshops
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Defining ‘Normal’: methodological issues in Aphasia and intelligence research
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Research on emotions in second language acquisition: reflections on its birth and unexpected growth
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Research into multilingualism and emotions
Multilinguals realise that expressing and recognising emotions can be challenging (Dewaele, 2013, 2016; Pavlenko, 2005). The differences lie in the different embodiment that the languages have (Pavlenko, 2012), which affects the emotional resonance of the language. This affects the language choices of the multilinguals and their perceptions of emotional languages in various contexts. Moreover, their emotional reactions might be different depending on the language. Because different cultures express emotions in different ways, multilinguals sometimes struggle to recognise the emotional state of their interlocutor or to express their own emotions appropriately. This chapter will present an overview of recent research on language choices in romantic relationships, in therapeutic relationships, in inner speech, in multilingual swearing, in feelings of identity and belonging, in moral decision-making, and in emotion recognition in first and foreign languages.
Cultures & Applied Linguistics (from 2021); Languages
URL: https://eprints.bbk.ac.uk/id/eprint/32054/3/32054.pdf https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110347524/html https://eprints.bbk.ac.uk/id/eprint/32054/
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The militant historian: the concept of history in the work of Alain Badiou
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The presence of an absence: framing capital in Mercado de futuros (Mercedes Álvarez, 2011), La mano invisible (David Macián, 2016) and Cerca de tu casa (Eduard Cortés, 2016)
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Implicit Instruction of Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish through Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching
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Experiment 2: Jury Suggestibility: The Effect of Judicial Instruction on Juror’s use of Covert Recording Transcripts ...
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Production of third-person singular–s and be copula in communication tasks by Vietnamese EFL learners: Acquisition order and learner orientation to form. ...
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5. ELA - Erfassung früher türkisch-deutscher Literalität ... : Handreichung als Anleitung für die Verwendung des Auswertungsinstruments ...
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2. ELA - Erfassung früher türkisch-deutscher Literalität ... : Bildimpuls für die Erhebung von Schreibproben ...
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1. ELA - Erfassung früher türkisch-deutscher Literalität ... : Arbeitsmaterialien, Eckdaten und Projektinformation ...
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