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Can distributional semantics explain performance on the false belief task? ...
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The effect of memory load on regularisation of linguistic variation ...
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Semantic relatedness decisions about non-arbitrary words ...
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Does Speaking Improve Comprehension and Processing of Turkish as a Foreign Language? A Virtual Computer-Assisted Language Learning Study ...
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Ready. Speak. Action. Action word production difficulties in Parkinson's disease ...
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Functional Brain Networks and Verbal Fluency in Healthy Ageing ...
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Replication of Thierry & Wu (2007): Unconscious translation in bilingual language processing ...
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The influence of animacy on perspective-taking and word order during language production ...
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Effects of speaker familiarity on semantic processing in monolingual French-learning infants ...
At 18 months, infants start to understand the relationships between words (whether they are from the same or different taxonomic categories), indicating the beginnings of a semantic network (Delle Luche et al., 2014). The infant semantic network may be modulated by vocabulary size, as shown by studies examining the N400: an event-related potential (ERP) component which is greater for unexpected pairings of meaningful stimuli. Infants as young as 18 months show greater N400 for unrelated versus related spoken words by an unfamiliar speaker, but only when they have advanced word production skills (Rämä, Sirri, & Serres, 2013). This relational understanding may also be altered by an infant’s familiarity with the speaker. Infants show longer looking times when presented with a familiar as opposed to an unfamiliar speaker, suggesting increased interest in and attention for familiar speakers (Barker & Newman, 2004). Further research has suggested that 9-month-olds detect mismatching object-label pairs only ...
Cognitive Psychology; Developmental Psychology; FOS Languages and literature; FOS Psychology; Linguistics; Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics; Psychology; Social and Behavioral Sciences
URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.17605/osf.io/3hqw6 https://osf.io/3hqw6/
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Viewing angle in novice L2 lexical learning in British Sign Language (BSL) ...
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Assessing Cognitive Flexibility, Other Executive Functions, and Learning in Healthy Adolescents ...
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