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Attention and gaze control in picture naming, word reading, and word categorization
In: Journal of memory and language, vol. 57(2007), p. 232-251 (2007)
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Telling time from analog and digital clocks : a multiple-route account
In: Experimental psychology, vol. 54(2007), p. 187-191 (2007)
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Incrementality in naming and reading complex numerals : evidence from eyetracking
In: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol.59(2006), p. 296-311 (2006)
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Anterior cingulate cortex activity can be independent of response conflict in stroop-like tasks
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 103(2006), p. 13884-13889 (2006)
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Modeling the control of phonological encoding in bilingual speakers
In: Bilingualism : Language and Cognition, vol. 9(2006), p. 167-176 (2006)
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The influence of spelling on phonological encoding in word reading, object naming, and word generation
In: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, vol. 13(2006), p. 33-37 (2006)
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Functional architecture of naming dice, digits, and number words
In: Language and Cognitive Processes, vol. 21(2006), p. 78-111 (2006)
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Context effects of pictures and words in naming objects, reading words, and generating simple phrases
In: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 59(2006), p. 1764-1784 (2006)
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Spoken word planning, comprehending, and self-monitoring : evaluation of WEAVER++
In: Phonological encoding and monitoring in normal and pathological speech / ed. by R. J. Hartsuiker, R. Bastiaanse, A. Postma and F. Wijnen. Hove, p. 42-63. (2005)
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Modeling the control of visual attention in Stroop-like tasks
In: TO APPEAR IN: Language and executive functions / ed. by A.S. Meyer, L. Wheeldon and A. Krott ([2005))
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The visual-auditory color-word Stroop asymmetry and its time course
In: Memory & Cognition, vol. 33(2005), p. 1325-1336 (2005)
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From Popper to Lakatos : a case for cumulative computational modeling
In: Twenty-first century psycholinguistics : four cornerstones / ed. by Anne Cutler, p. 313-330 (2005)
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Incrementality in naming and reading complex numerals : evidence from eyetracking
In: TO APPEAR IN: Quartely Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Experimental Psychology ([2005))
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Relations of lexical access to neural implementation and syntactic encoding
In: Behavioral and brain sciences, vol. 27(2004), p. 299-301 (2004)
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Stem complexity and inflectional encoding in language production
In: Journal of psycholinguistic research, vol. 33(2004), p. 365-381 (2004)
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The seduced speaker : modeling of cognitive control
In: Natural Language Generation : Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ed. by A. Belz, R. Evans and P. Piwek, p. 1-10 (2004)
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Seriality of phonological encoding in naming objects and reading their names
In: Memory & Cognition, vol. 32(2004), p. 212-222 (2004)
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Comprehension-based versus production-internal feedback in planning spoken words : a rejoinder to Rapp and Goldrick (2004)
In: Psychological review, vol. 111(2004), p. 579-580 (2004)
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Error biases in spoken word planning and monitoring by aphasic and nonaphasic speakers : comment on Rapp and Goldrick (2000)
In: Psychological review, vol. 111(2004), p. 561-572 (2004)
MPI für Psycholinguistik