
Dictionary directory

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    • Language: Afrikaans; Arabic; Basque; Belarusian; Bengali; Bishnupriya; Bosnian; Breton; Bulgarian; Catalan / Valencian; Cebuano; Chinese language; Croatian; Czech; Danish; Dutch ; English; Esperanto; Estonian; Finnish; French ; Galician; Georgian; German, Standard ; Greek, Modern; Hebrew; Hindi; Hungarian; Icelandic; Ido; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Latin; Latvian; Lithuanian; Luxembourgeois / Letzeburgesch / Luxembourgisch; Malay; Neapolitan; Norwegian Nynorsk; Occitan; Persian ; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian / Moldavian; Russian; Serbian; Serbo-Croatian; Slovak; Slovenian; Spanish / Castilian; Swedish; Thai; Turkish; Ukrainian; Vietnamese; Welsh
      Dictionary type: onomastic dictionary; plurilingual dictionary
      Format: text/html
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) Mannheim

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