
Dictionary directory

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Hits 41 - 50 of 73
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Second language acquisition / Foreign language acquisition
      Language: English; English, American
      Dictionary type: learner's dictionary; monolingual dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Language: English; English, British; Germanic languages
      Dictionary type: learner's dictionary; monolingual dictionary
      Topic: Phonetics / Phonology; Second language acquisition / Foreign language acquisition
      Keyword: pronunciation
      Publisher: Oxford University Press
      Format: text/html
      Access: subject to license
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: UB Frankfurt a.M.
    • Language: English; Pushto
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; glossary
      Access: free access
    • Language: English; Pushto
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; glossary
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Phonetics / Phonology
      Language: English; Jamaican Creole English
      Dictionary type: dictionary of slang; monolingual dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Language: Abkhaz; Afar; Afrikaans; ...
      Dictionary type: dialect dictionary; plurilingual dictionary
      Access: free access

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