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    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography
      Language: Bavarian; German, Standard
      Dictionary type: dialect dictionary; monolingual dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Morphology; Phonetics / Phonology; Syntax
      Language: English; Ojibwa
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; onomasiological dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Language: English; English, Old
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; glossary
      Access: free access
    • Topic: History of language
      Language: English; German, Standard ; Latvian; ...
      Dictionary type: etymological dictionary; historical dictionary; plurilingual dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Language: Abnaki, Western; Achawa / Achagua; Ahtena / Ahtna; Alabama; Aleut; Algonquin; Amarakaeri; Arapaho; Arawak; Arikara; Assiniboine; Aymara; Babine; Bakairí; Bari; Baure; Beaver; Blackfoot; Bora; Caddo; Cahuilla; Carijona; Catawba; Cayuga; Chayahuita; Cherokee; Cheyenne; Chickasaw; Chinanteco; Choctaw; Chol; Chontal, Highland Oaxaca; Chontal, Lowland Oaxaca; Chontal, Tabasco; Chorotega; Chumash; Comanche; Cree, Plains; Crow; Curripaco; Dakota; Dene; Haida; Hopi; Huastec, Veracruz; Huichol; Inuktitut; Kansa; Kickapoo; Koasati; Kogi / Kogui; Kwakiutl; Lacandon; Lakota; Mahican; Makah; Malecite-Passamaquoddy / Maliseet; Mam, Northern; Maricopa; Maya, Mopán; Maya, Yucatán; Menominee; Miami / Illinois; Michif; Micmac; Mixtec, Chayuco; Mohave; Mohawk; Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett; Montagnais; Munsee; Nahuatl; Nanticoke; Navajo; Nez Perce; North and Central Amerindian languages; Ojibwa; Oneida; Onondaga; Osage; Otomi, Mezquital; Paiute, Northern; Pawnee; Pemon; Piapoco; Pima Bajo; Pipil; Popoloca, San Juan Atzingo; Potawatomi; Powhatan; Q'eqchi'; Quapaw; Quiché; Resígaro; Secoya; Seneca; Shawnee; Shoshoni; South Amerindian languages; Tarahumara, Western; Tlingit; Tuscarora; Tz'utujil; Tzeltal; Tzotzil / Zinacantán; Wampanoag / Massachusett; Wichita; Wiyot; Wyandot; Yagua; Yanesha'; Yaqui; Yucuna; Yukpa / Yuko; Yurok
      Dictionary type: glossary; monolingual dictionary; picture dictionary
      Topic: Onomastics
      Keyword: picture-word-combination
      Publisher: Native Languages of the Americas
      Format: image; text/html
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: UB Frankfurt a.M.

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