
Link directory

The Link directory is a collection of links to scientifically relevant resources. You can search for websites or browse by selected categories. Search tips

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    • Topic: Bilingualism / Multilingualism; Clinical linguistics / Neurolinguistics; Computational linguistics; ...
      Language: Bengali; Dimasa; Gujarati; ...
      Source type: Bibliographies; Institutes; Introductions / Tutorials
      Access: free access
    • Topic: History of language
      Keyword: language and culture; language and religion; manuscript research
      Language: Arabic; Armenian language; Avestan; Burmese; Central Khmer / Cambodian; Chinese language; Georgian; Hindi; Indonesian; Japanese; Korean; Lao; Manchu; Mongolian; Nepali; Newar; Pali; Persian ; Sanskrit; Sinhala / Sinhalese; Tamil; Thai; Tibetan; Turkish; Urdu; Vietnamese
      Source type: Catalogues; Full-text server / Archives
      Publisher: Det Kongelige Bibliotek, København = The Royal Library, Copenhagen
      Written in: Danish; English
      Country: Denmark
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: UB Frankfurt a.M.
    • Topic: Phonetics / Phonology; Phraseology / Idioms
      Language: Albanian ; Amharic; Arabic; ...
      Source type: Dictionaries; Introductions / Tutorials
      Access: free access
    • Language: Abaza; Abkhaz; Abnaki, Western; ...
      Dictionary type: plurilingual dictionary; terminological dictionary
      Access: free access

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