
Link directory

The Link directory is a collection of links to scientifically relevant resources. You can search for websites or browse by selected categories. Search tips

Hits 1 - 5 of 5
    • Topic: Conversation analysis / Spoken language; Ethnolinguistics; History of language; ...
      Language: Ahtena / Ahtna; Aleut; Degexit’an / Deg Xinag; ...
      Source type: Catalogues
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Bilingualism / Multilingualism; Dialectology / Linguistic geography; History of language; ...
      Language: Ahtena / Ahtna; Aleut; Degexit’an / Deg Xinag; ...
      Source type: Dictionaries; Institutes
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Conversation analysis / Spoken language; Language documentation / Field linguistics; Phonetics / Phonology
      Language: Degexit’an / Deg Xinag; English
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; pronouncing dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Language: Degexit’an / Deg Xinag; English; Eyak; Haida; Han; Holikachuck; Inupiaq; Koyukon; Kuskokwim, Upper; Na-Dene languages; Tanacross; Tanana, Lower; Tanana, Upper; Tlingit; Yupik, Pacific Gulf / Alutiiq
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; onomasiological dictionary
      Publisher: University of Alaska, Fairbanks
      Format: application/pdf; text/html
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: UB Frankfurt a.M.