
Link directory

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    • Topic: Bilingualism / Multilingualism; Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Grammar research; Language documentation / Field linguistics; Language typology; Morphology; Phonetics / Phonology; Syntax
      Keyword: anthropological linguistics; endangered language; language change; languages in contact
      Language: Arabic; Armenian; Central Khmer / Cambodian; Emberá, Northern; Finnish; Greek, Modern; Guahibo; Hindi; Inuktitut; Katukína; Kwa languages; Latvian; Movima; Nahuatl; Ndyuka / Eastern Maroon Creole / Aukan / Kwinti; Oto-Manguean languages; Palikúr; Polish; Romanian / Moldavian; South Amerindian languages; Sranan
      Source type: Bibliographies; Institutes
      Research type: Research projects
      Publisher: Léglise, Isabelle
      Publisher: SeDyL (UMR 8202), Villejuif; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris
      Written in: French
      Country: France
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: UB Frankfurt a.M.