
Link directory

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Hits 1 - 9 of 9
    • Topic: Computational linguistics; Morphology; Second language acquisition / Foreign language acquisition; Syntax
      Keyword: annotation (morphology); annotation (syntax); Computer-assisted language learning (CALL); computer lexicography; dependency grammar; general terminology; language and law; language and religion; language norm; lemmatization; machine translation; morphological segmentation; natural language generation; natural language processing (NLP); parsing
      Language: Buriat; Cornish; Cree, Plains; Erzya; Faroese; Finnish; Haida; Ingrian; Inuktitut, Greenlandic / Kalaallisut; Inupiaq; Karelian; Khanty; Komi-Permyak; Kven; Liv; Mari; Moksha; Nenets; Nganasan; Norwegian / Bokmål; Ojibwa; Russian; Saami, Inari; Saami, Lule; Saami, North; Saami, South; Saamisch, Kildin; Saamisch, Ter; Udmurt; Veps
      Source type: Bibliographies; Corpora; Dictionaries; Introductions / Tutorials; Software / Tools
      Publisher: Giellatekno, Centre for Saami language technology; University of Tromsø
      Written in: English; Finnish; Norwegian / Bokmål; Russian; Saami / Sami
      Country: Norway
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: UB Frankfurt a.M.
    • Topic: Onomastics
      Language: Finnish; Saami, North; Saami, South; ...
      Source type: Reference works
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Clinical linguistics / Neurolinguistics; Computational linguistics; Phonetics / Phonology; ...
      Language: Arabic; Chinese, Mandarin; English; ...
      Source type: Bibliographies; Institutes
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography; History of language; Lexicology / Etymology; ...
      Language: Estonian; Finnish; Finno-Ugric languages; ...
      Source type: Reference works
      Access: free access