
Link directory

The Link directory is a collection of links to scientifically relevant resources. You can search for websites or browse by selected categories. Search tips

Hits 1 - 8 of 8
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Grammar research; Graphemics; ...
      Language: Kurdish, Central / Sorani; Kurdish, Northern / Kurmanji; Kurdish, Southern
      Source type: Bibliographies; Linguistic associations
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Phonetics / Phonology
      Language: Arabic; Burmese; English; ...
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; explanatory dictionary; monolingual dictionary; ...
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Phonetics / Phonology
      Language: Albanian ; Amharic; Arabic; ...
      Dictionary type: bilingual dictionary; monolingual dictionary; pronouncing dictionary
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Technical language; Translation science
      Language: Afrikaans; Amharic; Arabic; ...
      Source type: Dictionaries
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Corpus linguistics
      Language: Arabic; Bulgarian; Chinese, Mandarin; Croatian; Czech; Dutch ; English; Estonian; French ; German, Standard ; Greek, Ancient; Greek, Modern; Icelandic; Irish ; Italian; Japanese; Kurdish, Central / Sorani; Latin; Latvian; Lithuanian; Malay; Norwegian / Bokmål; Pali; Portuguese; Provençal; Russian; Serbian; Spanish / Castilian; Swedish; Turkish; Welsh
      Source type: Link collections
      Publisher: Schlobinski, Peter
      Publisher: Projekt sprache@web; Deutsches Seminar; Leibniz Universität Hannover
      Written in: German
      Country: Germany
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: LinseLinks Essen
    • Language: Armenian; Burmese; Catalan / Valencian; ...
      Dictionary type: plurilingual dictionary; universal dictionary
      Access: free access