
Link directory

The Link directory is a collection of links to scientifically relevant resources. You can search for websites or browse by selected categories. Search tips

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    • Topic: Conversation analysis / Spoken language; Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Language politics; Language teaching; Lexicography; Lexicology / Etymology; Morphology; Phonetics / Phonology; Second language acquisition / Foreign language acquisition; Syntax; Translation science
      Keyword: indigenous languages
      Language: Arabana; Arrernte, Eastern; Australian languages; Awabakal; Bunaba / Bunuba; Burarra; Creole and Pidgin languages; Dieri; Djinang; Dyirbal; Gooniyandi; Gunwingguan languages; Jaru; Kayardild; Kukatja; Ngarluma; Nyulnyulan languages; Pama-Nyungan languages; Tiwi; Wiradhuri; Yawuru; Yiwaidjan languages
      Source type: Link collections
      Publisher: Nathan, David
      Publisher: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS); University of London
      Written in: English
      Country: United Kingdom
      Access: free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: LinseLinks Essen
    • Topic: Biolinguistics; Clinical linguistics / Neurolinguistics; Computational linguistics; ...
      Language: Austronesian languages; Chinese, Mandarin; Chinese, Min Nan; ...
      Research type: Research projects
      Access: partial free access
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Graphemics; Phonetics / Phonology
      Language: Malayo-Polynesian languages
      Source type: Bibliographies; Corpora; Reference works
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Contrastive linguistics; Dialectology / Linguistic geography; History of language; ...
      Language: Alsatian; Cockney; Danish; ...
      Source type: Introductions / Tutorials; Reference works
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Bilingualism / Multilingualism; Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Lexicology / Etymology; ...
      Language: Belarusian
      Written in: Belarussian; Polish

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