
Link directory

The Link directory is a collection of links to scientifically relevant resources. You can search for websites or browse by selected categories. Search tips

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Hits 1 - 10 of 86
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Language documentation / Field linguistics; Language typology; ...
      Language: Malayo-Polynesian languages; Vurës / Mosina
      Research type: Research projects
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Computational linguistics; Corpus linguistics; Text linguistics
      Source type: Bibliographies; Linguists
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography
      Language: Bavarian
      Source type: Linguists; Newsletters / Mailing lists
      Publisher: Lenz, Alexandra N.; Kallenborn, Tim
      Publisher: Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft; Institut für Germanistik; Universität Wien
      Written in: German
      Country: Germany
      Access: additional functions after registration; free access
      editorial staff Lin|gu|is|tik: LinseLinks Essen
    • Topic: Dialectology / Linguistic geography; Media linguistics; Sociolinguistics
      Language: Alemannic / German, Swiss; Saxon, Upper
      Source type: Bibliographies; Linguists
      Access: free access
    • Topic: Graphemics; Language documentation / Field linguistics; Language typology; ...
      Language: Chadic languages
      Source type: Blogs / Forums; Linguists; Newsletters / Mailing lists
      Access: free access

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