Annohub stands for an innovative method developed by FID Linguistik concerning the indexing of freely available digital language resources: Text corpora and dictionaries are analysed with regard to annotation scheme and object language in an automated manner by means of a special software. The so determined new information is added to existing descriptions of the language resources. All metadata is stored in the Annohub-Repository which was established for this purpose.
Recently, the Annohub data has been integrated in the Lin|gu|is|tik portal. You can specifically search for Annohub resources using the LOD search. The resources are also taken into consideration when searching across all integrated data sources in the Catalogue search. Additionally, we offer a tabular overview of the resources (see Annohub-Repository).
The Annohub data has been modelled and published according to LOD principles. For more information as well as download links please go to Annohub RDF Edition.
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